Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President (left) and H.E. Ambassador Mr. Jan Axel Nordlander, Swedish Ambassador, Swedish Ambassador to Thailand exchanges Sida-AIT Scholarship Cooperation agreement for 2004-2007
Sida-AIT Cooperation for Scholarships
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Asian Institute of Technology agreed on September 19, 2003 to implement a cooperation program on 'Capacity building for sustainable development through higher education and training in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.' The Sida-AIT Development Cooperation Programme aims to strengthen the human resources development and institutional capability of Sida programme countries of Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam.
Under this program, the Government of Sweden will provide an amount of SEK 31,500,000 (about US$3.9 million) to AIT during 2004-2007. The funds will be utilized to offer master degree scholarships to nationals of Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam. The scholarships will be offered under both the regular and flexible education programs in the areas of natural resources management and environment including urban planning, urban infrastructure, waste management, energy with focus on electric power system management as well as alternative energy. A part of the funds will be used to offer scholarships in the field of Executive-MBA in human resources management.
The first formal cooperation between Sida and AIT started in 1988 when Sida supported training fellowships for Laotian and Vietnamese nationals at AIT. Ever since the cooperation has expanded over the years. The strength of the Sida-AIT partnership lies on the foundation of AIT mission to develop highly qualified and committed professionals to play a leading role in the development of the region and that of Sida's goal to improve the living standards of the poorest people through poverty alleviation.