Seen at the meeting (seated from left): Dr. Edsel Sajor, Assistant Professor, (UEM); Prof. A.T.M. Nurul Amin, Professor & Coordinator, (UEM); Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost; Dr. Bernadette P. Resurreccion, Assistant Professor, GenDev; and Mr. Ian Munt Human Settlements Adviser, (UN-HABITAT).
Standing from left: Dr. Kyoko Kusakabe, Assistant Professor, GenDev; Dr. Girija Shrestha, Secretariat Officer, UMP-AIT Partnership; Mr. Nguyen Dang Kien, Urbnet-Vietnam; Ms. Ouk Sokha, Program Officer of USG, Cambodia; Mr. Bienvenido H. Padilla, Jr., Executive Director, Ventures and Entrepreneurship Development Center in the Orient, Inc. (VEDCOR), Philippines; Dr. Phichai Rattanadilok Na Phuket, The National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Thailand; Dr. Barbara Earth, Assistant Professor, GenDev; Mr. David P. Villeneuve, Thailand Environment Institute (TEI); Ms. Sumitra Phanijkul, Thailand Environment Institute (TEI); and Ms. Francine Dieckmann, UMP-AIT Partnership.
UMP Asia held Sub-Regional Partners Meeting
On October 7-8, UMP-AIT organized a UMP-Asia Sub-Regional Partners meeting held at the AIT Conference Center. The meeting aimed to inform and discuss with local partners the UMP Global Program Review Committee (PRC) Meeting (held in June 2003 at Rabat, Morocco) decisions on the future of UMP, specifically on the proposed Urban Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (URCAP). Specific objectives taken were as follows:
- To present an overview of the UMP-Asia presentation at PRC Rabat, and present the updated URCAP proposal
- To discuss forging of links among partners for URCAP and to define roles of and within national KM nodes
- To review progress made on the work plan for 2003-2004 and its further implementation.
- To discuss the ongoing 2004-2006 Phase 5 preparation
- To identify and strategize resource mobilization efforts by partners for 2004-2006 in particular in the context of the need for 50% counterpart contribution.
A Human Settlement Officer from UN Habitat Fukuoka Office and a total of 17 participants from 8 countries joined the meeting.