ADB Summer Internship Program Info now available at ASO
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) Summer Internship Program for 2004 is now accepting applications for internship to a two-month 2004 Summer Internship Program to qualified Master or Doctoral students, starting from June 28, 2004, in the following Terms of Reference:
Project A: 'Pension system in Central Asian Republics'
Project B: 'Estimating Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate (ERER) in Azerbaijan'
Project C: 'Agriculture subsidies and under valuation of forestry in the Mekhong Region: Implications for ADB's assistance to forestry/natural resource sectors'
Project D: 'Developing ADB's Assistantce Strategy for Safe Motherhood and
Newborn Health'
Project E: 'Why is foreign assistance more effective in some countries? An enquiry into factors contributing to development effectiveness'
Project F: 'Trustfunds in the Pacific, their Role and Future'
Project G: 'Poverty and Alcohol Abuse in South Asia'
Project H: 'Effective Fiscal Consolidation Strategies in Emerging Market
Project I: 'Reducing child mortality in south Asia through effective and efficient interventions: Evolving assistance strategies for achieving MDGs