UNU donates software package on Remote
The United Nations University (UNU) donated the School of Civil Engineering a package of software on Remote Sensing and GIS called ERMAPPER. It was handed over by Dr. Srikantha Herath (above right), Senior Academic Programme Officer at UNU, to Professor Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, SCE Dean in a simple ceremony on February 23, 2004 at the Civil Engineering Lounge.
ERMAPPER is one of the most advanced and efficient software packages widely-used for processing and analyzing images from various remote sensing sensors. Developed by Earth Resource Mapping, it is designed to meet the data integration and mapping needs of geophysicists and earth scientists. It provides GIS tools such as contouring and vector overlay, and image visualization treats such as 3-dimensional views and fly-throughs. GIS and remote sensing technology have become an integral part of hydrology and water resources studies. The limitation of ground-based observation makes remote sensing a very attractive and promising alternative source of data and information for water resources projects.
The three licenses of ERMAPPER (version 6.2) provided by UNU are going to partially fulfill a long standing need of remote sensing tools for various water resources research. It will provide graduate students with the opportunity of using GIS and remote sensing techniques in their research and strengthen the capacity of teaching the most needed coursework. Costing about US$6,000, this support concretizes one of the fruits of the long-standing relationship between AIT and UNU.
From left: Dr. Dutta, Prof. Worsak, Dr. Herath, Prof. Das Gupta, Dr. Babel, and Dr. Clemente.
The event was attended by the faculty, students, and staff of Water Engineering and Management (WEM) led by its Coordinator, Dr. M. S. Babel. Dr. Srikantha Herath himself is an alumnus from of WEM. He obtained his master's degree in Water Resources Engineering from AIT in 1983.