Above and below: the graduates of AIT Batch 100
AIT holds the 100th Graduation
On April 23 2004, AIT held the 100th Graduation Ceremony marking the 100th event to 169 students from 27 countries at the AIT Conference Center. Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President presided over the ceremony.
Among the 169 graduates, 12 are from the School of Advanced Technologies, 5 from the School of Environment, Resources and Development, 88 from the School of Civil Engineering, and 64 from the School of Management.
There were 8 doctoral graduates, 160 master's graduates and one diploma.
The total number of AIT alumni now stands at 12,898, with the largest number of 3,394 coming from Thailand.
Prof. Jean-Louis Armand (left) confers the doctorate hood on Mr. Ratan N. Tata (center) while Prof. John Hugh Jones assists.
To mark the 100th Graduation Day, Mr. Ratan N. Tata, Chairman of Tata Group and a noted industrialist and philanthropist from India was conferred the Doctor of Technology (Honoris Causa), the Institute's highest recognition. The Institute's conferment of honorary degree to Mr. Tata recognizes his outstanding contributions to the industrial development in India and for his contributions to Indian society, through the Tata Group's philanthrophic trusts, in the fields of science, medicine, social services, rural welfare and the performing arts, and to building better relations and understanding between India and the countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
Mr. Ratan N. Tata (right) receives the honorary degree certificate from H.E. Mr. Anand Payarachun, AIT chairman and ex-prime minister of Thailand while Prof. Jean-Louis Armand applauds.
Mr. Tata is widely renowned as the head of one of India's largest industrial conglomerates, comprising over 80 companies in seven different business sectors, with companies in (apart from India) Singapore, London, New York and Switzerland.
Commemmorative Speech of
Mr. Ratan N. Tata
Chairman of Tata Group of Companies
and recipient of AIT Doctor of Technology (Honoris Causa)
Mr. President,
AIT Trustees,
Faculty Members,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
First, let me express my deep appreciation and thanks to the Chairman and the Trustees for having bestowed upon me. It is a very great honor this morning.
Being somewhat of a shy person, I have to say that after the introduction that just transpired, I spent the last few minutes looking for a hole to hide in out of embarrassment but I deeply appreciate the sentiments expressed and the kind words that have been stated.
I wonder what would be appropriate in terms of a few words this morning and felt that the most appropriate moment that had come in time when one should talk about the future of Asia where all of us are involved and all of us have in one form or another a role to play.
Around the end of the last century we generally accepted that new century would be the century of Asia. Unfortunately, the Asian melt down and subsequent events 9-11, SARS and the like made this a seeming unreality. Nevertheless, today all these are behind us and Asia's time has come again. We have 60% of the world's population. Perhaps the largest market in the world, collectively. We have a young population. China, Japan, and India hold positions of the second, third, and fourth place in purchasing power parity and collectively perhaps, one of the highest concentration of professionals and skills. Yet, we operate as different countries in this region and it appears to meet the region collectively, could conceivably be the largest powerhouse in the new world that has diminished boundaries and a more open society. And therefore, my dream would be that Asian countries would seemlessly leverage the synergies between them in terms of the world. This prosperity that I speak of is probably not going to happen. It will need us to do things to make these a reality and we are a region of great disparity and human wants. I believe that the establishment of various trade pacts to synergize the markets, the need to improve educational facilities and make them available to wider segment of the population and the creation of scadder of professional, technical and scientific persons are all issues that need to be addressed. Above all we need to create wealth among starved people to reduce the inequalities and to focus on generating widespread prosperity in the region.
This region has never really been known to be the center of home grown technology. Very often we have turned to the West for technology and utilize their technology. Therefore, it seems that in this coming century, it should be a focus on development of technology and intellectual property all of which, I think, this region is capable of generating. Above all I think there's a need to create opportunities and challenges for the young and talented people of this region. Therefore, the future of this region is in our hands. It is ours to make, to grow, and ours to be proud of. I believe with in very exciting times, we must make our own destinies. You, the young professionals of this region are in fact amongst the leaders of the future of Asia. And I believe that it will be your commitment and your dedication and your sense of national pride in collectively martial will lead this region into being what I think is Asia could be in this coming century.
All of us who are a part of Asia, for you, proud on what we individually may have done or our countries may have done, I think the call of the hour is that we should be closer together more unified and more united than we have been in facing the challenges of the new world. A new world that will call for the elimination of corruption where it exists, the establishment of ethics and values, and I believe that has to be carried by the young generation of people like yourselves as you go out into the world. The world is going through some introspection on values systems and some old systems that is being demolished. It is therefore the challenges of the new young generation of persons like yourself to build the Asia of tomorrow is going to be a major part of the world of tomorrow. And I feel very proud and privileged to be before you today, amongst the people who will be in fact the leaders of this new wave. And once again I would like to express my deep appreciation and thanks to the Board of Trustees for having bestowed this honor on me. And I wish you all the very best as you move out in to the life and careers ahead of you.
Thank you very much!
Graduation Address of
Prof. Jean-Louis Armand,
AIT President
on the AIT's 100 Graduation Ceremony
H. E. Mr. Anand Panyarachun, Chairman of the AIT Board of Trustees
Mr. Ratan Tata, Chairman, Tata Group, honorary doctorate degree awardee and distinguished graduation speaker
Your Excellencies and Honoured Guests,
Faculty and Staff,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
A significant milestone in the history of the Institute has been reached with the hundredth graduation of which you are part of. To our 169 graduands from 27 countries, our special congratulations!
Today is the culmination of years of hard work, personal sacrifice and commitment. I encourage you to treasure this precious moment. This day is also very special for your parents, spouses, children, families, teachers and friends, who have provided the support and sacrifice without which you would not have reached this significant milestone on the road to knowledge and high accomplishments.
The graduation ceremony is one of the most important occasions in the life of an academic community and the presence here today of so many distinguished dignitaries, together with our honorary doctorate degree awardee and graduation speaker Mr. Ratan Tata, Chairman of Tata Group, significantly enhances the meaning of your graduation. The Honorary Degree is the Institute's highest recognition of Mr. Tata's outstanding contributions to industrial development in India and for his contributions to Indian society, through the Tata Group's philanthropic trusts, in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social services, rural welfare and the performing arts, and to building better relations and understanding between India and the countries in the Asia-Pacific region. On behalf of the AIT community, I would also like to take this opportunity to convey the expression of our profound gratitude for the generous support extended to the Institute by the Government of India over the years.
We are also proud to have with us today the Ambassadors or their representatives of Austria, Bangladesh, Cambodia, European Commission, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Republic of South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden, United States of America, and Vietnam together with senior executives from the Tata Group.
They represent the partners who have generously supported AIT's mission to develop highly qualified and committed professionals who will play a leading role in the sustainable development of the region and its integration into the global economy.
The conferring of degrees is a special function and privilege of an academic institution that declares to the society at large the accomplishments of students upon completion of their studies, your multi-faceted accomplishments, the new knowledge and enhanced skills that you now possess as well as the essential attributes, ethical and moral, that you have developed as educated persons and responsible members of the global community. Since the first graduation in 1961, this has been a belief that AIT has unswervingly inculcated in all its graduates.
We are especially proud of the fact that, as graduates of this unique and well-respected institution of higher learning, you are now in the best position to partner AIT and our donors in contributing towards the development of the region through human resources enhancement, research and outreach in science, technology, management and planning.
You are a very privileged group. This privilege will provide you with opportunities to explore for yourselves as well as responsibilities to carry out for others. You have a special obligation passed onto you by your elders to assess and lead in the pathways to a better society. In return, let me assure you that we will fulfill our responsibility to ensure that AIT upholds and enhances its mission and vision. The quality of an AIT degree must be unquestioned, and we will do all in our power to make sure that it is so.
Your gowns symbolize your readiness to undertake these new challenges and responsibilities, which are now yours. I hope that your years at AIT, your teachers and classmates from so many different countries and cultural backgrounds, the countless hours spent studying, and your moments of personal reflections, have built the confidence, capacity and courage that you will need in your long journey ahead.
We hope that, as new members of the AIT alumni body, you will demonstrate honesty, integrity, diligence, professional competence and other qualities, which characterize AIT graduates.
Always pursue the truth, work towards peace, enjoy beauty, and show compassion. As you embark on your journey, you carry our hopes and confidence, our pride and good wishes in the path you will take.
Our most sincere congratulations to all of yo