H. E. Hiem Phommachanh (left), Ambassador of Lao PDR to Thailand signs the accord with Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President
AIT, MOE, Lao PDR sign accord
On April 1, 2004, AIT and the Ministry of Education (MOE), Lao PDR signed memorandum of understanding to continue the strengthening of cooperation in education and research in the fields of technology, planning and management. The accord -- effective 2004-2006 -- aims to provide higher education opportunities to an increasing number of Lao students.
The MoU was signed by Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President; and H. E. Hiem Phommachanh, Ambassador of Lao PDR to Thailand representing the Ministry of Education, the Government of Lao PDR. The event was witnessed by Mr. Xomphou Keopanya, Second Secretary, Education Division and Mr. Maythong Thammavongsa, Third Secretary, In-Charge of Cooperation, Political Division. Also witnessing the accord signing were Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost; Prof. Tawatchai Tingsanchali of SCE; Prof. Chongrak Polprasert, Dean SERD; Prof. Gajendra Singh, Dean AIT Extension; Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, Director of Promotional Activities; Mr. Benjamin Gargabite, Director of Admissions and Scholarships; Mrs. Monowara Hussain, Program Officer; Mr. Tenzin Rabgyal, Program Officer and Ms. Naina Shakya, Program Officer.
H. E. Hiem Phommachanh (second from left), Ambassador of Lao PDR to Thailand hands a token of appreciation to Prof. Jean-Louis Armand (second from right), AIT President. Looking on are from extreme left: Mr. Maythong Thammavongsa, Third Secretary, In-Charge of Cooperation, Political Division; Mr. Xomphou Keopanya, Second Secretary, Education Division; Prof, Gajendra Singh, Dean AIT Extension and Prof. Tawatchai Tingsanchali, faculty from SCE