Prof. Jean-Louis Armand (left), AIT President welcomes Mr. Goran Haag at Room 210, Admin. Building
Visiting AIT
On March 29, 2004, Mr. Goran Haag, Project Manager, Department for Infrastructure and Economic Cooperation, Sida visited AIT.
During the visit Mr. Haag met with Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President; Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost and Prof. Chongrak Polprasert, Dean SERD.
Seen at the consultation meeting from left: Mrs. Monowara Hussain, Program Officer, Donor Relations, AIT; Mr. Goran Haag, Project Manager, Department for Infrastructure and Economic Cooperation, Sida; Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President; Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost and Prof. Chongrak Polprasert, Dean SERD
Mr. Haag's visit was held as an annual consultation between Sida and AIT on issues of Electricity Power System Management (EPSM). The purpose of the meeting was to review the progress of the EPSM short and medium-term training activities for 2003 as well as to discuss any new initiatives for the future.
Mr. Goran Haag (left) in a lively discussion with Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President
On March 30, 2004 a 34-member group of administrators, faculty, and staff members of Notre Dame of Marbel University (NDMU), Philippines visited AIT.
Prof. Jean-Louis Armand (right), AIT President is seen welcoming (from left) Dr. Isabelita O. Bona, Academic Vice President/Dean, Graduate School; Brother Crispin P. Betita, FMS, NDMU President; and Mrs. Ruthsel T. Pe, Administrative Vice President,/ Planning & Development Officer.
The delegation -- originating from Cotabato, Philippines -- was headed by Brother Crispin P. Betita, University President; Dr. Isabelita O. Bona, Academic Vice President/ Dean, Graduate School and other faculty and staff members. During the visit they met with Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President and Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost.
The delegation listens at the orientation
After an orientation held at Room 210, Admin Building, the delegation toured AIT Extension where they briefly met Prof. Gajendra Singh, Dean AIT Extension and were orientated by Mr. Anil Rajbhandari, Program Officer; SCE operations by Ms. Ann Lopez-Fontanilla, SCE Outreach Officer; and the Structures Laboratory, SCE was briefed by Dr. Sun Sayamipuk, SCE Senior Lab. Supervisor; Energy Park, SERD where they were briefed by Mr. Aung Myint Khaing, Lab. Supervisor; was welcomed at SAT by Ms. Amy Canullas, Program Assistant and the Mechatronics Laboratory, SAT was briefed by Mr. Khosak Achawakorn, Lab. Supervisor; the School of Management where they briefly met Dr. Nazrul Islam, Acting Dean, SOM; Dr. Jiraphan Liengrokapart, Executive Assistant to the Dean and Mr. Anupam Das who orientated them about SOM; the Library where they were orientated by Khun Bontharee Phoonchai, Head of the AIT Library; the residential, recreational facilities and the AIT Conference Center was briefed by Mr. Peter Upstone, General Manager.
The purpose of the visit was to know more about AIT and to seek opportunities for future partnerships. The President of the Marbel University expressed great interest in future exchange programs with AIT.