Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon (left) delivers the opening address at the conference
AIT, ISS and UL Held International Conference on GenDev
AIT, the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) (Women, Gender & Development Department), the Netherlands and the University of Leeds (UL) (Centre for Development Studies Department), UK held the International Conference on Gender, Development (GenDev) and Public Policy in an Era of Globalization on May 17 - 18, 2004 at the AIT Conference Center. The conference ceremony was opened by Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, AIT Provost.
The conference included the introductory remarks by Prof. Chongrak Polprasert, Dean SERD; the keynote speech by Ms. Thelma Kay, Chief, Emerging Social Issues Division, UN ESCAP and the plenary session conducted by Dr. Thanh-dam Truong from ISS.
Seen joining the workshop participants were from extreme left: Dr. Barbara Earth, GDS faculty; Prof. Chongrak Polprasert, Dean SERD; Dr. Thanh-dam Truong from ISS; Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President who delivered the opening address; Prof. Ruth Pearson, University of Leeds, UK and Dr. Bernadette Resurreccion, GDS Cooordinator.
AIT, its partners ISS and UL held the symposium primarily to discuss how recent research on gender in various development spheres might inform public policy in an era of increasing globalization. The conference is a major activity under the EU Asia Link project that intended to enhance exchange of experience and steer forward looking ideas between Asian and European academic institutions most especially those working on gender and development.
Prof. Ruth Pearson (right), University of Leeds, UK hands a token of appreciation to Ms. Thelma Kay (left), Chief, Emerging Social Issues Division UN ESCAP and keynote speaker at the conference, while Dr. Thanh-dam Truong, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands applause
Gender and Development administrative staffs and associates assist participants at the registration