Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President welcomes Prof. Colin N. Peiris (left), Quality Assurance Specialist, IRQUE Project and Prof. L. L. Ratnayake (second from left), Vice Chairman of the University Grants Commission (UGC), Sri Lanka.
Visiting AIT
On April 26, 2004, Prof. L. L. Ratnayake, Vice Chairman of the University Grants Commission (UGC), Sri Lanka and Prof. Colin N. Peiris, Quality Assurance Specialist, Improving Relevance and Quality of Undergraduate Education (IRQUE) Project visited AIT.
During the visit, they met with Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President; Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost; Dr. Jonathan Shaw, Dr. Shailendra Sigdel, Mr. Regino L. Gonzales, and Ms. Nadeera Rangika to discuss general issues ranging from the AIT - Sri Lanka collaborations to the exact details of the IRQUE project.
Seated from left: Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost; Prof. Colin N. Peiris, Quality Assurance Specialist, IRQUE Project and Prof. L. L. Ratnayake, Vice Chairman of the University Grants Commission (UGC), Sri Lanka.
The team also observed a training session of the Professional Development Program for Provincial Level Trainers of Teachers Teaching Science and Teaching Using English Medium in Sri Lanka Secondary Schools which commenced on February 23, 2004 and will end by May 14, 2004.
The IRQUE Project -- funded by World Bank -- is aimed at improving the relevance and quality of undergraduate education in 12 Universities in Sri Lanka.
The 6-year project carries a 4-stage program aimed at labor market observatories, transfer of technologies, staff development and training as well as other setout goals centered on quality assurance.
The project was launched because of the increase of competition among Sri Lankan students applying for University entrance as well as currently enrolled students in Sri Lankan Universities precipitating a steady increase in the demand for educational development.