AIT marks Queen Sirikit Arboretum Garden’s one year anniversary

AIT marks Queen Sirikit Arboretum Garden's one year anniversary

On the occasion of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit's 6th cycle birthday anniversary, the AIT community together with the officials from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) of the Royal Thai Government and Ambassadors to Thailand and their spouses held a tree planting ceremony as part of the one year anniversary of the Queen Sirikit Arboretum Garden at AIT campus on 6 August 2004.

The event was presided over by Dr. Monthip Sriratana Tabucanon, MNRE Inspector-General, representing MNRE Minister. Thanpuying Dr. Suthawan Sathirathai, wife of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand participated the event in leading the diplomatic spouses in tree planting at the Queen Sirikit Arboretum Garden. The AIT community were led by Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President and Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost. Distinguished guests from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, diplomatic dignitaries, officials of the Pathumthani Provincial Government and neighboring universities and agencies took part in the event.

Indoor Activities

The event started with the welcome address by Prof. Jean-Louis Armand (below, right) , AIT President, who extended the Institute's profound gratitude towards Her Majesty the Queen's gracious consent to permit AIT to name the AIT Arboretum as the 'Queen Sirikit Arboretum Garden'.

'AIT takes pride in having been able to contribute in its own way in making the Queen Sirikit Arboretum Garden a reality. As an educational institution, AIT sees the value of the Queen Sirikit Arboretum Garden not only as a living museum of many different families of plants from Thailand and countries in the region and beyond for enjoyment, but also a place for educating the community and visitors to the Arboretum on environmental protection and the conservation of natural resources. Today's occasion signifies our commitment towards the development of the Queen Sirikit Arboretum Garden', he emphasized.

In her opening message, Dr. Monthip Sriratana Tabucanon (above), Inspector General, representing the Minister of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE), said the commemoration ceremony marks a historic significance as it was a part of the nationwide celebration of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit Sixth Cycle Birth Anniversary this year. And the Ministry is greatly honored and privileged to announce that Her Majesty the Queen has granted the naming of the AIT Arboretum as 'Queen Sirikit Arboretum Garden'.

'The Royal Thai Government's policy is to promote reforestation programme and develop more natural parks both in rural and urban areas. All of us express our utmost respect and great admiration for Her Majesty The Queen's outstanding leadership in the protection of the environment and the conservation of natural resources. Her Majesty has been persistent in her conservation efforts, with the aim of providing better livelihoods for people in remote areas, over the past five decades. With such keen concern for the people's livelihood, Her Majesty has initiated conservation programmes for watershed areas, forests, plants, wildlife and marine life all over the country. These well-conceived programmes for the conservation and protection of our environment and natural resources have become exemplary models for sustainable development projects planned with concern for the people and their habitat. This Royal recognition is indeed a great honour bestowed upon AIT, which has to be commended for taking the initiative to reflect its core values in practice as an institution of higher learning conscious of the moral imperative to protect the environment', Dr. Monthip noted.

Following the opening remarks, a video introducing 'Queen Sirikit Arboretum Garden' was presented, followed by the launching of Queen Sirikit Arboretum website by Dr. Dietrich Schmidt - Vogt, Coordinator of Natural Resources Management Field of Study/SERD. According to Dr. Vogt, the website can be accessed by typing

or through the AIT website where a direct link to this homepage is provided. The website provides information on arboretum, its map, photo gallery, events relating to the Arboretum, and support. In this website, the viewers can search for specific trees through various categories-specie name, the name of the planter, or the planted location. If the viewers click on 'Support' page, it will show lists of donors to the Arboretum and types of donations. In the near future, the viewers will be able to actually see the picture of the plants and their ecological details. They can find also out where the plants have been planted, uses of the trees, the planting dates as well as the names of the planters through the pictures of the plants.

Then, Dr. Edward Webb, also of the Natural Resources Management Field of Study, presented to the participants on the plant species that were planted on that day. He described that the plants species were to be planted in the Medicinal Garden zone. These species have certain characteristics that can be used to help cure certain ailments, diseases, or sickness. Some of these species have non-medicinal uses, but they are also very useful to human society in other forms.

Outdoor Activities

On the way to the Queen Sirikit Arboretum Garden, Thanpuying Dr. Suthawan Sathirathai (right), wife of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand had an interesting chat with Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Managing Director and Founder of the Grameen Bank, Bangladesh and recipient of Doctor of Technology (Honoris Causa) at AIT's 101st graduation. Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President (fifth from left) accompanies the diplomatic dignitaries.

At 15:00 hrs., the commemoration moved on to the Queen Sirikit Arboretum Garden where the participants took part in tree planting. To record, 972 trees from 111 species have been planted and the following plant species (in Thai name) have been planted: Mok Luang, Chan Khao, Ma Huad, Ma Hok Kanee Bai Yai, Kra Bow Klak, U Lok, Sa Dao, Ma Poot, Salapee Talay, Ta Kien Thong, Yang Na, Peep, Samor Thai, Kee Lek, Sa Mor Pi Pake.<p