Prof. Kanchana Kanchanasut (standing, middle), Director of intERLab and Distributed Education Center (DEC), AIT, welcomes participants to the Workshop
IntERLab conducts Hands-on Internet Network Operation Center Training
The Internet Education and Research Laboratory (intERLab) of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) is conducting a hands-on Internet Network Operation Center Training for 15 network engineers from Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand from 16 to 24 August 2004 at AIT.
The workshop is a joint activity organized by intERLab and the WIDE Project (Japan) as a collaboration under the Asia Broadband Human Resource Development. It is funded by the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Post and
Telecommunications (MPHPT), Japan.
Dr. Yasuo Tsuchimoto (standing right), intERLab Visiting Assistant Professor, gives instructions on one of the sessions to the Workshop participant
The class, broadcasted in real-time by SOI/ASIA using the internet over satellite, links to 11 sites in seven countries. Students in these 11 sites can participate in the classroom through web board as well as real-time interactive Q&A;<p