AIT Research Team Wins Top Prize for the Third Time

AIT Research Team Wins Top Prize for the Third Time

From left: Mr. Surak Piyaraksakul, Head of the Research Team, is seen with Dr. Pichai Nimityongskul, Associate Professor, Structural Engineering Field of Study, and Dr. Sun Sayamipuk, Senior Lab Supervisor, SE FoS, School of Civil Engineering.

The AIT Research Team from the School of Civil Engineering (SCE) won the first prize,
for the third time in as many attempts in 'The 5th Elephant Power Concrete Contest' under the High Strength Concrete category (at 110 MPa.). The event was organized by Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thongburi and the Siam Cement PCL from 26-27 August 2004.

The third-time winning team was participated by Mr. Surak Piyaraksakul, Research Associate, Structural Engineering Field of Study and Mr. Kittputh Plengkhom, a Doctoral student in the same Field of Study. The team is under the guidance of Dr. Pichai Nimityongskul, Associate Professor, Structural Engineering.

Mr. Surak, head of the research team, said AIT joined the contest in three categories which were also participated by 97 teams from various educational institutions and private companies. The three categories AIT participated were in the High Early Strength Concrete Category, the Assigned Strength Concrete Category, and the High Durability Concrete Category. Result of the last category will be released in January 2005.

The AIT research team also won a special prize for producing individual concrete specimen which had the highest strength of 117 MPa. which is 20% higher than the second place.

By winning, the AIT team produced concrete which had a 24-hour strength of 110 MPa recording about 10 times the strength of normal concrete at the same age. Dr. Pichai disclosed that this high early strength of concrete can be applied in the construction of concrete pavements in Bangkok remarkably because the pavement can be opened to traffic within 24 hours after concreting.