AIT Fosters Link with Program 300 of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
At the invitation of Professor Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President, the Board of Managers of Training Project for 300 Prospective Master/ Doctorate Awardees of Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam visited AIT from 4 to 7 November 2004.
The delegation were comprised of Mrs. Nguyen Thi Lan, The First Deputy Project Manager (Head of the delegation); Mr. Nguyen Hoi Nghia, Director, Department of Postgraduate Affairs of Vietnam, National University of Ho Chi Minh City; Mr. Tran Quang Dung, Deputy Director, Foreign Affairs Office, HCMC; Mrs. Pham Thi Kim Le, Deputy Director, Finance Service, HCMG; and Mrs. Tran My An, Coordinator, Project 300 Deputy Manager, Personnel and Training Department accompanied by Prof. Nguyen Cong Thanh, Director, AITVN and Mrs. Nguyen Bach Diep, Administrative Assistant, AITVN.
This visit provided the opportunity to the delegation to know more about AIT Programs and its operations, students' quality of life conditions and other AIT facilities, so that the Board of Managers from P 300program could select good candidates to study in the Master and Doctoral Programs at AIT and AITCV in the future. Likewise, AIT welcomed the opportunity to know more about P300 Program which constitutes a breakthrough in terms of network for AIT.
A warm welcome reception was hosted by Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President on 4 November evening, also attended by Dr. Hoang Le Tien, Associate Registrar for Community Affairs; Dr. Do Ba Khang, Faculty from School of Management; Mr. Ng Eng Wan, Chief Financial Officer; Mr. Dinh Van Nguyen, Vice President, Vietnamese Student Association, AIT; Mr. Nguyen Nam Binh; and Ms. Luu Bao Huong, Representatives of P300 student.
On 5 November morning, a meeting was held at Board Room between the Board of Managers with the Prof. Jean-Louis Armand, AIT President; Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Provost; Prof. Huynh Ngoc Phien, Dean SAT; Prof. Chongrak Polprasert; Dean SERD and Acting Dean SCE; Dr. M. Nazrul Islam, Acting Dean SOM; Dr. Shalendra Sigdel, Program Director, AIT Extension; Mr. Benjamin Gargabite, Director of Admissions & Scholarships; Mrs. Laarni B. Roa, Registry Officer; Mr. Tenzin Rabgyal and Ms. Hnin Aye Lwin, Program Officers respectively, Office of the President.
The discussions focused on the academic matters, scholarships and fellowships availability, visa extension and living conditions at AIT. P 300 selects the candidates who have excellent achievement, good virtue and promising prospect, imbued with high sense of responsibility and community involvement consciousness. The delegation has expressed its interest in doctoral programs at AIT, and the Euro-Asian double degree in the School of Management.
On 5 November afternoon, the delegation visited the School of Management, Community School, Student Dormitories, Library, Cafeteria and Swimming Pool, followed by a wrap-up meeting with the AIT President. It has been agreed that AITCV Office in HCMC will be the focal point of contacts between P300 and AIT.
The delegation then met P 300 students from School of Management and other Vietnamese students of AIT, followed by a farewell banquet hosted by the Prof. Nguyen Cong Thanh, Director of AITVN.