Senior alumni and the President of AITAA-Taiwan Chapter visits AIT
On 16 March 2005, AIT Acting President and Provost Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon received the President of the AIT Alumni Association (AITAA) Taiwan Chapter Chung-Yih Lin (WRE'75) who was accompanied by other 10 senior AIT alumni from Taiwan and their spouses.
Mr. Viroj Klangboonkrong, President of AITAA-Thailand Chapter; Prof. Dennes T. Bergado, Executive Secretary of AITAA Mother Chapter; Dr. Hoang Le Tien, Advisor AITAA; Dr. Korchoke Chantawarangul, AITAA-Thailand Chapter; and Mr. Kyaw Soe Hlaing, Alumni Relations Officer of AIT, also attended the meeting.