Visiting AIT
On 3 March 2005, a delegation (above left) from the Office of Higher Education Commission visited AIT. The delegation was led by Dr. Suchart Muangkaew, Deputy Secretary-General, Office of the Higher Education Commission.
During the visit, Dr. Suchart (above left) met with Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, AIT Acting President; Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, RTG Faculty Representative; Prof. Athapol Noomhorm, SERD faculty; Khun Wannapa Pliansri, RTG Relations Coordinator and AIT senior administrative staffs.
The visit was aimed to explore and discuss future cooperation between AIT and the Office of Higher Education Commission, which was authorized by the Cabinet to be the responsible agency for AIT, on behalf of the Royal Thai Government. A coordinating Committee is to be set up to oversee and advise on certain policy aspects. The committee will be comprised by representatives from AIT, OHEC, the Bureau of the Budget, and the Ministry of Science and Technology.
On 10 March 2005, Prof. Dr. Mortaza Mohamed (above, second from left), Deputy Rector, University College of Engineering & Technology Malaysia (KUKTEM), met with Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Acting President, AIT. In the meeting, the Acting President was joined by Prof. Chongrak Polprasert, Dean SERD and Acting Dean SCE; Prof. John C. S. Tang, faculty of SOM; Mr. Ng Eng Wan, Chief Financial Officer; Mr. Tenzin Rabgyal and Ms. Hnin Aye Lwin, Program Officers, Office of the President.
The purpose of the visit was to foster advancement in teaching, research, cultural understanding as well as international reputations of both institutions through:
- The exchange of students at the post-graduate level;
- The exchange of faculty members in fields of mutual interest;
- Possibility of future collaboration on a doctoral student exchange program;
- Collaboration in joint research and training program; and
- Exchange of academic information and materials.
Furthermore, the Deputy Rector has shown his interest to collaborate with the AIT in exploring the possibility of developing a degree program in School of Advanced Technologies, School of Civil Engineering and School of Environment, Resources and Development. Accordingly, faculty from KUKTEM will be sent to study master and doctoral degrees at AIT.
Prof. Dr. Mortaza Mohamed also visited the School of Environment, Resources and Development where Prof. Chongrak Polprasert gave a presentation. In addition, Dr. Preeda Parkpian, Associate Professor/ EEM showed him all the labs under SERD.
Similarly, Prof. Dr. Mortaza Mohamed visited the School of Civil Engineering and School of Advanced Technologies. Prof. Dennes T. Bergado, Professor and Program Coordinator of Geotechnical Engineering Program, SCE and Mrs. Ann V. Lopez, School Outreach Officer gave a briefing about SCE. Mrs. Amalia S. Canullas from SAT showed Dr. Mohamed the school's facilities.