Standing from left: Dr. Anwar Naveed, Dr. M. Nazrul Islam, Dr. Joydeep Dutta, Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, Prof. Kazi Ahmed, Ms. Hnin Aye Lwin, Dr. Preeda Parkpian, Mr. Zuhaib Siddiqui and Mr. Benjamin A. Gargabite. Seated from left: Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, H.E. Mr. Mir Hussain Bakhsh Bangulzai, Prof. Dr. Bushra Mateen and Dr. Farhat Saleemi.
AIT - LCWU, Pakistan sign accord
On April 18 2005, AIT and Lahore College for Women University (LCWU) signed an agreement on development cooperation. The formal accord - covering the period 2005-2008 - will aim to provide human resource development capacity building needs to LCWU faculty through AIT's Master Degree Program; Full- time Doctoral Programs; Non - Resident Ph.D and Short - term training Program.
The program is operational from April 2005 to December 2008 with (3) candidates sent from LCWU each year to study at AIT to pursue their degree programs. Total of (6) persons will undergo specific short-term training program for a duration of 4 weeks in SAT.
The accord was signed by Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Acting President and Provost and Prof. Dr. Bushra Mateen, Vice Chancellor, Lahore College for Women University/ LCWU. The event - held at Room 260 - was witnessed by H.E. Mr. Mir Hussain Bakhsh Bangulzai, Ambassador of Pakistan, Dr. Farhat Saleemi, Director, Institute of Electronics & Information Technology, Pakistan, Dr. Preeda Parkpian, Associate Professor, EEM/ SERD, Dr. M. Nazrul Islam, Acting Dean/ SOM, Mr. Benjamin A. Gargabite, Director of Admissions and Scholarships, Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, Director of Promotion Activities, Dr. Joydeep Dutta, Professor/ SAT, Prof. Kazi Ahmed, Professor/ SAT, Dr. Anwar Naveed, ACECOMS/ SCE and Mr. Zuhaib Siddiqui, President - Student Association, Pakistan, Mr. Tenzin Rabgyal and Ms. Hnin Aye Lwin, Program Officers from the Office of the President.
Front row, from left: Dr. Anwar Naveed, ACECOMS, SCE; Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Acting President and Provost; H.E. Mr. Mir Hussain Bakhsh Bangulzai, Ambassador of Pakistan; Prof. Dr. Bushra Mateen, Vice Chancellor, Lahore College for Women University/ LCWU; Dr. Farhat Saleemi, Director, Institute of Electronics & Information Technology, Pakistan and Dr. M. Nazrul Islam, Acting Dean/ SOM. Back Row from left: Ms. Hnin Aye Lwin, Program Officer, Office of the President; Prof. Kazi Ahmed, Professor, SAT; Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, Director of Promotion Activities; Mr. Zuhaib Siddiqui, President - Student Association, Pakistan; Dr. Joydeep Dutta, Professor, SAT; Mr. Benjamin A. Gargabite, Director of Admissions and Scholarships and Mr. Tenzin Rabgyal, Program Officer, Office of the President.