H.E. Mr. Pieter J. Th Marres (left), Ambassador of Netherlands to Thailand speaks with Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Acting President and Provost
Visiting AIT
On 4 April 2005, H.E. Mr. Pieter J. Th Marres, Ambassador of Netherlands to Thailand visited AIT. During the visit he met with Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, AIT Acting President and Provost.
H.E. Mr. Pieter J. Th Marres visit to AIT was also in connection with his delivering the welcome address in the inaugural session of the Fourth Regional Workshop and Training on 'Capacity Development for the Clean Development Mechanism', by the Government of the Netherlands through UNEP held at the AIT Conference Center.
The visit also called for the further strengthening of collaboration between AIT and Netherlands Government support to AIT. Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon presented the institute's academic offering and activities, research facilities and relevant developments to H. E. Mr. Pieter J. Th Marres. HE Marres visit was capped with meeting the scholars at AIT supported by the Netherlands Government.
From left, Prof. Kusanagi, Dr. Aramaki, Prof. Chongrak, Mr.
Ozu, Mr. Seki, Prof. Tabucanon, Prof. Mari Osawa (from U of Tokyo, Chair of
Gender Equality Panel), Dr. Susaki and Dr. Kusakabe.
At 1:00 p.m., Mr. Norifumi Seki from the First Country Assistance
Planning Division, Economic Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Japan visited AIT. Mr. Seki was accompanied by Mr. Atsushi Ozu, First Secretary from Japanese Embassy in Bangkok Mr. Seki represents the Division of Japanese MOFA, directly in charge of providing annual support from the Japanese Govt. to AIT. Mr. Seki and Mr. Ozu met with the Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Acting President and Provost, Prof. Chongrak Polprasert, Dean SERD and all Japanese faculty at AIT.
Seated from left, Dr. Ikejima, Dr. Honda, Dr. Hanaoka, Prof. Kusanagi, Dr. Aramaki, Prof. Chongrak.
In the meeting, the issues of future Japanese Govt. support to AIT was discussed and advice was provided on how to attract more funding from Japan, both from other governmental and non-governmental sources. Despite the limited ODA budget to multilateral assistance and decreasing support to international organizations, Japanese MOFA's support to AIT is expected to continue.