AIT-AITAA Mission to Indonesia
An AIT delegation led by Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe (above, 2nd from right), Director of Promotions and accompanied by Mr. Kyaw Soe Hlaing (1st from left), Alumni Relations Officer visited Indonesia. With the support of H.E. Mr. Ibrahim Yusuf, the Ambassador of Indonesia to Thailand and member of AIT Board of Trustees, Dr. Mohammad Huda Ahmad Yadi (3rd from right: above), Education and Cultural Attache' of Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok, and Dr. Huda also accompanied the AIT delegation and coordinated important meetings in Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya and Malang, Indonesia.
As the event was considered an AIT - AIT Alumni Association joint activity, Mr. Chainarong Na Lamphun (above, 3rd from left), President of AITAA Mother Chapter and Prof. Dennes T. Bergado (2nd from left), Executive Secretary of AITAA Mother Chapter also joined the AIT mission to Jakarta, Bandung and Yogyakarta.
The mission was held to promote AIT in Indonesia and to conduct alumni relations activities jointly among AIT, AITAA Mother Chapter, AITAA-Indonesia Chapter and its alumni members. The delegation held meetings from April 1 to 7, at the Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Agriculture as well as with public and private sector universities in Indonesia.
On 1 April 2005 in Jakarta, the AIT-AITAA delegation paid a courtesy call on H.E. Prof. Dr. Bambang Sudibyo (middle: above), Minister of National Education, Republic of Indonesia, at his office. Joining the meeting was Dr. Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro (above, first from right), Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education and discussed about collaborative activities among the Ministry, universities in Indonesia and AIT.
In the afternoon, the AIT delegation also held meeting with Dr. Ir. Memed Gunawan (above, right), Secretary General, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia, at his office and discussed feasibilities of sending 5 of his staff for non-residential doctoral program at AIT ever year.
In the same evening 1 April, Dr. Sugimin Pranoto (HSD'86) (above, sixth from right), President of AITAA-Indonesia Chapter and its members hosted a dinner to AIT-AITAA delegation and discussed about forthcoming AITAA Governing Board Meeting to be held in Jakarta, Indonesia.
On 2 April 2005 in Bandung, the AIT and AITAA delegation held a meeting with Professor Dr. Ir. Djoko Santoso (GTE'82) (above, fourth from left), Rector, Institute of Technology Bandung-ITB and senior officials of ITB. It was discussed to revitalize joint capacity building projects between AIT and ITB, and possibilities of sending ITB teaching staff to AIT non-residential doctoral program.
Also in Bandung, a meeting was held at Maranatha Christian University where AIT-AITAA delegation met Dr. Ir. Bambang S.P. Abednego (above, fifth from left), Rector, and senior officials of Maranatha Christian University. Possibilities of sending teaching staff of Maranatha Christian University to AIT for non-residential doctoral programs and possibilities of arranging AIT faculty to visit there for lecture/seminar during summer break were discussed.
AIT alumni in Bandung gathers for a shot after the dinner hosted by AIT delegation
On April 2005 in Yogyakarta, AIT-AITAA delegation held a meeting with Dr. Sudjarwadi (WRE'81) (above, fifth from left), Senior Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Gadjah Mada University. The meeting was attended by senior officials of the university and discussed about possibilities of developing joint projects on capacity building in Indonesia. AIT alumni in Gadjah Mada University, working as senior officials will follow up with local government organizations and will prepare proposals shortly.