Dr. Nguyen Tat Dac, Vice-director of Department for Human Resource Management VNPT introducing the delegation members to Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Acting AIT President
Visiting AIT
On 9 June 2005, A 13-member delegation from the Vietnam's Post & Telecommunications (VNPT) and Post & Telecoms Institute of Technology (PTIT) Hanoi, Vietnam visited AIT to explore possible collaboration. The delegation was led by Dr. Nguyen Tat Dac, Vice-director of Department for Human Resource Management, VNPT. Other members of the delegation included: Mr. Nguyen Ba Hoan, Director of Office Affair, PTIT; Mr. Hoang Dang Hai, Head of International Collaboration Unit, PTIT; Mr. Nguyen Tuan Anh, Department for Human Resource Management, VNPT; Mrs. Nguyen Minh Chau, Department of International Relations, VNPT;
Mr. Nguyen Hoang Liet, Director of School Tien Giang, VNPT; Mr. Hoang Ngoc Hoi, Head of Education Management, School Tien Giang, VNPT; Mr. Vu Ngoc Cam, Director of School Nam Ha, VNPT; Mr. Chu Cao Trieng, Head of Education Management, School Nam Ha, VNPT; Mr. Pham Tung Nghi, Director of School Da Nang, VNPT; Mr. Tran Ngoc Nguyen, Head of Education Management, School Da Nang, VNPT;
Mr. Nguyen Hac Liem, Director of School Thai Nguyen, VNPT; and Mr. Dinh Quang Minh, Head of Education Management, School Thai Nguyen,
The Acting President presenting the AIT-Vietnam pin to Dr. Nguyen Tat Dac, Vice-director of Department for Human Resource Management, VNPT
The delegation was particularly interested in visiting the School of Advanced Technologies. They met with the faculty members of the Computer Science & Information Management, Telecommunications, Information & Communications Technologies, GIS and ISE fields of study.
Dr. Nguyen Tat Dac, Vice-director of Department for Human Resource Management, VNPT, Mrs. Nguyen Minh Chau, Department of International Relations, VNPT (also served as the translator) and Mr. Nguyen Ba Hoan, Director of Office Affair, PTIT.
On 08 June 2005, a delegation from the Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan visited AIT to explore possible collaboration with AIT. Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Acting AIT President met the delegation and introduced AIT to them. The delegation was particularly interested in visiting the School of Management. At SOM they were welcomed by the Acting Dean of SOM and other faculty members.
(Front row, from left:) Prof. Wei-Hsiung Shen, Dean, College of Management; Prof. M. T. Tabucanon, Acting AIT President and Provost; Dr. Chin Chung-Jen, President, Yu Da College of Business. (Second row, from left:) Dr. Keng-Shen Chen, Associate Professor, Department of Finance; Dr. Kuang-Hua Wang,
Associate Professor, Chairman of Accounting Department; Prof. Himangshu Paul, SOM; and Dr. Hsu Kuang-Hua, Chairperson of Finance Department, Acting Dean of SOM.
Prof. M. T. Tabucanon and Prof. Wei-Hsiung Shen
A round table discussion with the delegation
From left: Prof. IR. Dr. Che Sobry Abdullah, Mr. Hirun Azaman Ismail, Mr. Mohd Nasrun Mohd Nawi, Ms. Zakirah Binti Othman, Prof. Rushami Zien Yusoff and Prof. Himangshu Paul, SOM.
A delegation (above) from the Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia visited AIT on 7 June 2005. The delegation consisted of Prof. Ir. Dr. Che Sobry Abdullah, Professor, Chairman of the Seminar/ Conference and International Relation; Prof. Dr. Rushaimi Zien Yusoff, Professor, Chairman of the Training and Consultation Committee; Dr. Zulkifli Mohammed Udin, Dean, Faculty of Technology Management and faculty members of the Technology Management. The delegation were welcomed by Prof. Himangshu Paul, Professor/ SOM; Dr. M. Nazrul Islam, Acting Dean/ SOM; Mr. Benjamin A. Gargabite, Director of Admissions and Scholarships; Mrs. Laarni B. Roa, Registry Officer; Mr. Tenzin Rabgyal and Ms. Hnin Aye Lwin, Program Officers, Office of the President and held a meeting at Room 210, Administration Building from 9 to 10 a.m.
The delegation also visited the School of Management and were briefed by Prof. Himangshu Paul, Professor/ SOM; Dr. M. Nazrul Islam, Acting Dean/ SOM; Dr. Barbara Igel, Associate Professor/ SOM; Dr. Donyaprueth Krairit, Assistant Professor SOM and Mr. Anupam Das, Senior Program Associate and Web Page Manager. At noontime, the delegation also met Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon, Acting President and Provost
The visit aimed to know more about AIT and to seek opportunities for future partnerships. Furthermore, they have shown their interest to collaborate with AIT in exploring the possibility of developing a degree program in Technology Management, e-commerce under the MBA program of SOM.
On 25 May 2005, Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon (above right), AIT Acting President and Provost welcomed Mr. Syed Monzur Husain Bokhari (WRE'76) (above left), President of the AIT Alumni Association (AITAA) Bangladesh Chapter and Director, Design Planning & Management Consultants Ltd., Bangladesh. Joining the Acting President at the meeting were Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, Director of Promotional Activities and Mr. Kyaw Soe Hlaing, Alumni Relations Officer.
On the same day, Prof. Mario T. Tabucanon welcomed Dr. Shamsuddin M. Qureshi (SEC'65) (below, third from left), Chairman of the Charter Inspection and Evaluation Committee, Education Department of the Government of Sindh, Karachi, Pakistan.
Dr. Qureshi's visit is a follow up meeting on AITAA-Pakistan's efforts on the conceptualization of an AIT Outreach Center-SAT in Pakistan. The meeting was also attended by Prof. Chongrak Polprasert, Dean SERD and Acting Dean SCE; Dr. Nazrul Islam, Acting Dean SOM; Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, Director of Promotional Activities; and Mr. Kyaw Soe Hlaing, Alumni Relations Officer of AIT.
Dr. S.M. Qureshi was also the graduation speaker at the 103rd graduation day (morning session) on 27 May 2005.