AFS reappoints Yang Yi
The Asian Fisheries Society (AFS) recently reappointed Dr. Yang Yi (fifth from left), Associate Professor and Coordinator, Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management, School of Environment, Resources and Development, as council member and was also newly appointed as editorial board member of the Asian Fisheries Science Journal.
AFS, a professional society of aquaculture and fisheries experts, whose secretariate is based in Quezon City, Philippines, covers 16 council members that comes from Asia, Australia and New Zealand. The society also issues a quarterly publication called Asian Fisheries Science Science Journal. The journal was first published in 1988.
Dr. Yang Yi's appointment covers a three years term of office. He was first elected in 1999. The appointments reflect the recognition of the fisheries society conveyed to him and his prominence in the aquaculture field which helps promote the academic reputation of SERD and AIT.