AIT Mission to Jakarta, Bogor and Bandung, Indonesia
On 12-15 October 2005, Prof. Said Irandoust (above, 5th from right:), AIT President accompanied by Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe (above, 3rd from right), Director of Promotions and Mr. Kyaw Soe Hlaing (above, right), Alumni Relations Coordinator carried out a mission to Jakarta, Indonesia. The AIT delegation meetings were arranged with the assistance of the Indonesian Embassy and the support of the AITAA-Indonesia Executive Committee members and senior alumni.
The mission aimed to follow up raising the profile of AIT in key Ministries in Indonesia as well as to establish a long term presence in Indonesia through an AIT Center in Indonesia that could contribute towards the HRD capacity building and the needs of its civil staff.
On 12 October 2005, the AIT delegation paid a courtesy call on H.E. Prof. Ir. Djoko Kirmanto (above, 7th from left), Minister of Public Works, Indonesia. Prof. Irandoust presented a conceptual proposal for establishing AIT Center in Indonesia (AITCI) in collaboration between AIT and Ministry of Public works. H. E. Min. Kirmanto welcomed the proposal and informed the delegation that the proposal will be discussed with the Ministry of National Education and will form a joint task force with AIT for follow up activities. The meeting was attended by Dr. Sugimin Pranoto (above, 5th from left), President of AITAA-Indonesia and Advisor to the Minister, Director General and senior officials from the Ministry as well as senior AIT alumni in Jakarta. The AIT delegation also had a follow up meeting with Ir. Iwan Nursyirwan (above, 4th from left), Director General of Agency for Construction Guidance and Human Resources Development, Ministry of Public works Indonesia, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia. Attendees to the meeting were Dr. Ir. Nana Rukmana (above, 1st from left), Director of Center for Professional and Technical Construction Development, senior officials from the Ministry of Public Works, Dr. Sugimin Pranoto and senior AIT alumni in Jakarta. It was discussed that a follow up activities shall be made shortly.
The AIT delegation also had a meeting with Dr. Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro (above, 2nd from right), Director General, Higher Education, Ministry of National Education. Prof. Irandoust, AIT President presented and explained about the concept proposal for establishing AITCI. Attending the meeting were Mr. Achmad Lanti (WRE'83) (above, 3rd from left), Mr. Laksana Gandaatmadja Abednego (WRE'83) and Mr. Johny Johan (SEC-89) (above, 1st from right), Secretary of AITAA-Indonesia Chapter. Dr. Satryo welcomed the proposal and pledged his support for the formulation of the project concept.
The AIT delegation also made a courtesy call on H.E. Dr. Bambang Setiadi (above, 3rd from left), Deputy State Minister for Research, Science and Technology Program of Ministry of Research and Technology, Indonesia. Ir. Ardito M. Kodijat (above, 1st from right), Director for International Research, Science & technology Cooperation of the Ministry attended the meeting. Prof. Irandoust presented and discussed the AITCI concept proposal. H.E. Deputy Minister Setiadi suggested of visiting Science Parks (near by BSD City, 75 km from Jakarta) wherein several research agencies are doing research. He also suggested considering the place as AIT training center as a collaborative activities between AIT and the Ministry.
The AIT delegation had a dinner meeting with President of AITAA-Indonesia and senior alumni during a dinner hosted by Ministry of Public works. Concept and guidelines of alumni involvement as representative in AIT promotion and student recruitment activities in Indonesia was discussed.
On 13 October 2005, AIT delegation had a meeting with Dr. Haryono (AIT alumnus of CSIM'95) (above, 4th from left), Secretary of Indonesia Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD), Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia. Attendees to the meeting were senior AIT alumni working with the Agency. Dr. Haryono informed the AIT delegation that he recently organized and sent 25 participants from Ministry of Agriculture for a 5 weeks training at AIT Extension. He also informed that the agency is planning to send its ministry staff for overseas trainings for masters and doctoral programs starting from 2006-2007 and AIT would be considered as one of the training venues. It was also discussed that AIT must keep in touch with the agency through its alumni network.
The AIT delegation had a meeting with Prof. Asep Saefuddin (above, left), Vice Rector for Planning, Development, and Collaboration, Prof. Yusuf Sudo Hadi, Vice Rector for Student and Alumni Affairs, and senior officials of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). A discussion on possible collaboration activities between AIT and IPB such as joint research activities, faculty/student exchange programs as well as feasible dual degree program. It was discussed that an IPB delegation shall visit AIT as a follow up.
Later in the afternoon, the AIT delegation accompanied by Ir. Ardito M. Kodijat, Director for International Research, Science & Technology Cooperation of the Ministry of Research and Technology, also made a visit to Science Parks which is located near BSD City, 75 km southwest of Jakarta, a self-contained campus and most of laboratories of research agencies under the Ministry of Research and Technology are located.
On 14 October 2005, Prof. Irandoust had a meeting with Mr. Frederik Frisell, First Secretary of Swedish Embassy in Jakarta. The meeting was held to discuss and enlist the support of the Swedish Embassy in Jakarta for strengthening AIT partnership relationships with Embassies as well as donor agencies in Indonesia.
Later in the afternoon, the AIT delegation visited the proposed venue in Bandung where AITCI will be established. The area is located in the campus of Center for Professional and Technical Construction Development (CPTCD), Agency for Construction and Human Resources Development, Ministry of Public Works, Indonesia. The AIT delegation had a meeting with Dr. Ir. Nana Rukmana (above, 4th from left), Director and senior officials of CPTCD.
On 15 October 2005, the AIT delegation held a meeting with Prof. Djoko Santoso (front row, above, 2nd from right,) (AIT alumnus of GTE'82), Rector of Institute of Technology Bandung-ITB and Vice Rectors and senior officials of ITB. A discussion was held on a preparation and submission of a joint proposal to ADB-Manila for the AIT-ITB dual degree programs. The AIT delegation was also informed that ITB and Gadjah Mada University (UGM) are conducting joint master programs for Heads of Vocational Schools. The project is funded by the Department of Vocational Education and about 1,500 staff will be trained in a 4-year period. It was discussed that the participants will be sent to AIT programs for about 6 months as part of ITB-UGM master programs to study mainly through agro, electrical and hydro programs. AIT shall be sending information about available FoSs as well as interdisciplinary programs.