From Bulletin online to e-Bulletin
Based on a recommendation from the President's Advisory Council (PAC), our existing Bulletin Online will also be issued as e-Bulletin by PSSU, the Office of VP-External Relations.
e-Bulletin is a reader friendly --all text only-- online publication that will
be emailed directly to you weekly; so you can read and be aware of the recent
development, activities, reports and other information materials of interest to
the AIT Community. The content will be shorter but current, informative and
quick to scan through. Every issue of the Bulletin will be put into
archives for future reference.
To place your announcements, please send them by email to pssu@ait.ac.th before 10 a.m. on Thursdays. Remember, the earlier you send your information, the more likely chance it will be included.
e-Bulletin will serve as a bridge linking faculty, staff and students. It was launched to enhance communication and information sharing among AIT Community members.
Meanwhile, subsequent issues of the Bulletin will still be on-line. Visit us weekly on Monday afternoons for the latest news and views, hot tips and announcements. To access us, please visit: http://www.misu.ait.ac.th/newsandevents/NewsById.cfm?