Prof. Irandoust, AIT President pins an AIT - Bhutan lapel pin to H. E. Bhutan Ambassador Singye Dorjie
Visiting AIT
On 06 October 2005, H. E. Mr. Singye Dorjie, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kingdom of Bhutan and Mr. Karma Phuntsho, First Secretary (Political) and Deputy Permanent Representative to ESCAP visited and met Prof.
Said Irandoust, AIT President; Prof. Vilas Wuwongse, Vice President – External Relations; Prof. Peter Haddawy, Vice President – Education; Prof. SudipK. Rakshit, Vice President – Research; Dr. M. Nazrul Islam, Acting Dean of School of Management; Dr. Teresita del Rosario, Acting Dean of AIT External
Relations; Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, Director of Promotions and Mr. Benjamin A. Gargabite, Director of Admissions & Scholarships at Room 260, Admin Building.
H. E. Ambassador Singye Dorjie meets Bhutanese students at the boardroom
The visit was an occasion to strengthen the collaboration between AIT and the Kingdom of Bhutan. Prof. Irandoust presented the Institute's academic offerings and activities, research facilities and relevant developments to H. E. Mr. Singye Dorjie. H.E. Ambassador Dorjee met Bhutanese students at the Board Room.
From left: Dr. Edward L. Webb, Associate Professor, SERD; Dr. M. Nazrul Islam, Acting Dean, School of Management; Mr. Karma Phuntsho, First Secretary and Deputy Permanent Representative to UNESCAP, Royal Bhutanese Embassy; Prof. Chongrak Polprasert, Dean SERD/ Acting Dean SCE; Mr. Tshering Tenzin, Joint Director, Scholarship Division, Ministry of Education, Royal Government of Bhutan; Prof. Vilas Wuwongse, Vice President - External Relations; Ms. Nim Dem, Director, Department of Adult and Higher Education; Dr. Teresita del Rosario, Acting Dean, AIT Extension; Ms. Kesang Doma, Registrar, Royal University of Bhutan; Ms. Kunzang Choden, Officer, Human Resource Management Division and Ms. Bhumika Ghalley, Human Resource Development Officer.
On 30 September 2005, a delegation from the Ministry of Education, Royal Government of Bhutan visited AIT. The delegation was comprised of Ms. Nim Dem, Director, Department of Adult and Higher Education; Ms. Kesang Doma, Registrar, Royal University of Bhutan; Mr. Tshering Tenzin, Joint Director, Scholarship Division; Ms. Kunzang Choden, Offtg. Chief, Human Resource Management Division and Mr. Bhimika Ghalley, Human Resources Development Officer
The visit aimed to develop collaboration activities in training and education, to foster advancement in teaching, research, cultural understanding as well as international reputations of both institutions through the exchange of faculty members in fields of mutual interest; and possibility of future collaboration on a master program. The delegation also had a brief tour of the AIT Campus.
Prof. Vilas Wuwongse (left), Vice President - External Relations receives a token of appreciation to Ms. Nim Dem, Director, Department of Adult and Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Royal Government of Bhutan
On 28 September, a delegation of officers and 22 students from University Malaysia Sabah - Labuan School of International Business and Finance visited AIT. During the visit the delegation met with Prof Sudip Rakshit, VP for research and AIT administration officials.
Clockwise: Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit, Vice President - Research; Dr. M. Nazrul Islam, Acting Dean/ School of Management; Dr. Anila Sadananda, Associate Registrar for Student Affairs and Mr. Benjamin A. Gargabite, Director of Admissions and Scholarships received the delegation from University Malaysia Sabah which composed of 2 officers and 22 students at the Board Room.
Mr. Airul Amri Bin Amran (left), Asst. Dean of Academic and Student Affair presents a gift to Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit, Vice President - Research<p