DAAD Offers Special Scholarships, Research Grants and Research Stays
With the increase of earthquakes, floods, civil conflicts, health risks etc., international awareness of disaster preparedness is growing. Qualified experts are needed in many fields to avoid catastrophes and conflicts and to mitigate their effects on the population, the environment, and the economy.
The German Academic Exchange Service - DAAD would like to contribute to the international efforts of disaster prevention and is now offering German Foreign Office funded special scholarships and research grants to applicants from India, Indonesia, Thailand and Sri Lanka in the following Fields:
Research Fields:
Geology, Geoinformatics, Disaster Preparedness and Prevention: Social Sciences, Public Sector Management, Medicine: Public Health, Epidemiology, Trauma Psychology, Regional Planning, Resources Management, and Ecology, Civil Engineering, Peace and Conflict Studies
The scholarships and grants are classified into four types as follows:
Short-term research grants for Post Doctoral Fellow (14-90 days)
Doctorate in home country involving 'Sandwich' components in German for Masters' student with the max. age of 36 (2 to 24 months)
Doctoral study in Germany for Masters' student with the max. age of 32 (up to 48 months)
Masters study in Germany for Bachelors student with max. age of 32 (up to 24 months)
Applications must be submitted to the German Embassies in Sri Lanka and Thailand and from the DAAD regional offices in New Delhi and Jakarta by 30 Nov. 2005 at the latest.
Application forms are either available from the offices mentioned above or from the Internet (www.daad.de).