AIT's 104th Graduation
The AIT's 104th Graduation Ceremony on 16 December 2005, was not only the first one presided over by our AIT President, Prof. Said Irandoust, but also the first time in many years that the AIT community had the opportunity to meet the institute's former administrators and faculty members such as Prof. Alastair M. North, former AIT President; Prof. Fumio Nishino, former Vice President for Academic Affairs; Prof. Karl E. Weber, former Vice President for Academic Affairs; Dr. Suvit Yodmani, former Vice President for Development and now ADPC Director.
New features in the format of celebrating the event were seen too for the first time such as the installation of new Professors, a Professorial Speech, cultural performance, as well as speeches by the AIT Alumni Association President and most outstanding student were introduced at this graduation ceremony.
The Graduation Ceremony was presided over by Prof. Said Irandoust, AIT President and was opened by Prof. Peter Haddawy, Vice President – Education.
Also participating the event were members of diplomatic corps and international organizations, and representatives from universities in Thailand.
The event started with the address by Prof. Irandoust (right), AIT President, who said he was delighted and privileged to welcome back former senior administrators and faculty of the Institute to AIT on this occasion. As much as possible, during his Presidency, he will see to it that links are built to rekindle and sustain AIT's relationship with its former administrators, faculty members vis-à-vis its history makers. 'I see it as most fitting during such auspicious occasions that we share with our graduating students the very people who took part in making AIT's long history of excellence,' said Prof. Irandoust.
AIT President told the graduates, 'You have been prepared for a purpose to fulfill for yourself and for the society. You finally made it; you have successfully completed your studies at AIT. You have accomplished a feat that not many have had the opportunity of mastering, overcoming obstacles that you yourselves may have not imagined when you first came to AIT...
'The learning environment at AIT has prepared you to cooperate productively with others, for one who relates to himself and to others is a useful and fruitful addition to society. You have been prepared to be individuals who are able to work in multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural teams. As you set to pursue your professional careers, pursue them with passion, purpose and responsibility. However, you will soon realize that there is still so much to learn, re-learn or even un-learn - it would then be wise to remain open-minded and teachable in the process. It is my hope that your future endeavors would resonate with commitment to developing yourselves further in every respect as a person, to making the quality of lives of your people and of the world -better, and to helping people less fortunate than yourselves to realize their potential. It is for these worthy purposes for which you have been prepared and equipped. All these in the keeping with the noble mission by which this great Institute was founded - to develop men and women, highly qualified and committed professionals who play leading roles in the region's sustainable development and its integration into the global economy.
'You will now become alumni members of AIT, and our graduation speaker, distinguished AIT alumnus General Dr. Boonsrang Niumpradit, Deputy Supreme Commander, serves as a role model in upholding the positive image of the Institute and its role and contribution to the development of the region.
'The key to success in today's world is about finding ways to be different, to radically change the way of doing things, in addition to developing ways to respond quickly to all kinds of changes. I hope AIT has helped you to find the direction of that change. For as we like to say, 'Why not change the world?' And so, I challenge you, change your world. The whole AIT community looks forward to see the remarkable difference that all of you will make in this world.'
After the address by Prof. Irandoust, General Dr. Boonsrang Niumpradit, Graduation Speaker, delivered his speech.
Addressing the AIT graduates, General Dr. Boonsrang (left) said, 'The degree that we earn may help paving the way for many of us, but the degree alone cannot lead to success. Without doubt, the technology and knowledge we learned must be applied in our professional career, but hard work, right attitude, and the invaluable experiences and lessons that each of us should have accumulated during our time in AIT environment can play a vital role for your success, at both personal and societal levels'.
For example, he said his three and a half years at AIT has earned him many friends from many countries and allowed him to easily adjust himself in living and working in an international environment later on, especially during his assignment as the Force Commander of the Peacekeeping Force in East Timor for the UNTAET or the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor, from July 2000 to September 2001.
'One of the key leading to the successful operations of the Peacekeeping Forces in East Timor was the identifying the people as our 'center of gravity', a military term meaning the heart of the work. We were to provide them with security and helped them to improve their living standard. Doing so we needed a good understanding of the people especially the poor in the rural area, we also need a good understanding among UN troops and civilians altogether from 36 countries. The right attitude, the open and optimistic characters were so important for the leader. The ability to help the people to make their own living by introducing appropriate techniques was also an important means to gain their confidence. Today I can firmly conclude that my success in leading UN troops from 36 countries in East Timor owed much to my happy and fruitful time in the AIT education and environment…
'…My conversation with senior officers and leaders from many countries would not have been as successful and pleasant, my secretaryship of the border committees with neighboring countries would not have been as smooth leading to peaceful border situation, had I not had the AIT experience'.
General Dr. Boonsrang added that in the last decade, we have witnessed most changes in the technology arena. The development in information technology is the most advanced area, for example, what is happening in Iraq is also seen by the world at the same time…So how do we put these knowledge and technology into 'proper' uses that will enable the achievement of sustainable development through informed decision and hence course of actions? The key word here is 'proper' or appropriate technology. However, the AIT graduates must agree with him that technology alone is not enough. There are many more aspects that we have to take into accounts, starting from the definition of 'sustainable development' which may have different meanings for different people. Whatever definition we choose to adopt, we must always bear in mind the ultimate goal of equality – development for all.
'…I hereby encourage you all to be ambitious in working to bring peace and prosperity to the region, and to always keep this in focus. You are well equipped to do so. Those poor people in the region need you,' emphasized General Dr. Boonsrang.
After the graduation address, there was an installation of the following newly-appointed Professors: Prof. Peter Haddawy, Prof. Sivanappan Kumar, Prof. Kazi Ahmed, Prof. Gopal Thapa, and Prof. Jayant K. Routray.
Following next was the conferment of Doctoral Degrees and a Professorial Message delivered by Prof. Kazi Ahmed on behalf of the newly-appointed Professors, and the conferment of Master degree, Diploma and awarding of graduation prizes.
Mr. Chainarong Na Lamphun (right), President of AIT Alumni Association, was invited to deliver a message to the new graduates and said, 'There are about 14,000 alumni in 76 countries from 27 national chapters alumni association…I would like to take this opportunity not only as President of AITAA, Mother Chapter, but as an alumnus of the Institute, to welcome you proudly into our alumni family. We all, the National Chapter have good communications, support, help, and share experience and business line together. If any of you as alumni travels through this region or even around the world, you can contact the National Chapter where you are there, they will be your good friends, partners as you are in this unique Institute.
'…Every year we have an Annual Meeting hosted by National Chapter to share experiences, cooperation, support, keeping up with on Alumni Community and so on, likes in year 2001, Nepal Chapter hosted the Annual meeting in Kathmandu. Year 2002 Bangladesh hosted the meeting in Dakha. Year 2003 Taiwan hosted the meeting in Taipei. Year 2004 Pakistan hosted the meeting in Islamabad. Year 2005 Indonesia hosted the meeting in Jakarta. And next year our friends, Laos will host the meeting in Vientiane. When you go back to your lovely home country, please join with the AIT Alumni Association in your country. You will never forget our friends and Institute'.
Mr. Chen Muyu, the outstanding graduate from SOM, delivered a brief message on behalf of all the outstanding students.
In his speech he thanked AIT President for giving him the opportunity to say what he was compelled to say at the graduation ceremony and said he always feels that he is a lucky person because he has a great country to be proud of, received generous help from the Government of New Zealand to study at AIT through a scholarship, and to meet many great people in AIT, particularly in SOM. 'To AIT professors, I always respect you as much as I do to my parents. As Chinese always says, 'Be my teacher for one day, you will be my parents in my lifetime'. To those friends and colleagues, I would like to say 'After having so many memorable moments together, let's be friends forever no matter wherever you are in this planet,' he added.
Mr. Chen also told the AIT graduates that after graduation their enthusiasm of learning should remain because learning will not only prepare themselves in today's competitive world but also most importantly help them to serve the society.
'Being the graduate of AIT, we are all lucky. I wish you also keep in mind that there are so many unfortunate people in this world and they need our help. Now is the time to give back our contributions to the society. With AIT spirit in our hearts and with AIT knowledge in our hands, I am sure we can do something to make our countries, our region, and our world a better place,' Mr. Chen concluded.