AIT stude Bernadeth Borleo (right) with Jimmy Borongan in a duet.
Filipino performers warm the heart with songs of love
Performers from AIT's Filipino Students Association (FILA) shared an early taste of Valentine's Day on Sunday, 12 February 2006, with a concert of love
songs. Joined by other Filipino musicians and singers from Bangkok, the troupe put on 'Love Notes: Music for the Hearts' in the AIT Conference Center auditorium. For more than two hours the performers regaled a crowd of more than 100 with sultry, passionate love songs. Filipino Student
Association members said they hoped to repeat the concert next year.
AIT alumnus Bayani Binatero (left) and Nonoy Nietes showcasing dexterity with guitar
Filipinos are not only talented in music but also in dance.
Filipino performers from Bangkok with multi-talented Steve Kebasen (playing keyboard), a student from SERD.