Staff invited to propose, participate in funded projects
Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit, Vice President for Research, on 31 Jan. 2006, announced that institute-funded staff can become involved in all aspects of externally supported work. Previously this incentive was open only to faculty.
All institute-funded staff can thus make proposals for projects and derive benefit from the same. By this message, Prof. Rakshit encourages staff members to proactively look out for projects in their area of specialization (from the Internet for example).
Such activity by project funded staff (done with consent/support for the Principal Investigators of their projects) will assure their continuity from one project to another.
The Sponsored and Contracted Projects Office (SCPO) would be ready to assist in this work and will soon set up mechanisms to look into calls from bigger agencies like the EU, ADB, etc on a regular basis.