eLearning Project initiatives take shape
The School of Management eLearning Project team lead by Dr. Sundar Venkatesh, met with Vice President for Academic Affairs Prof. Peter Haddawy recently.
The team included Dr. Ulrich Bernath and Mr. Axel Kleinschmidth, from the Center for Distance Education, Carl von Ossietzky of the University of Oldenburg, Germany. The university is the external partner for the execution of the eLearning Project.
During the meeting Dr. Venkatesh and Dr. Ulrich apprised Prof. Haddawy of the approaches being undertaken within the project for implementation of eLearning in the courses and programs offered by the School of Management. He was informed about individual projects being developed by faculty to implement eLearning in the courses offered by them.
Prof. Haddawy was invited to take part in the next project workshop, which is tentatively scheduled to he held in September 2006, in which faculty will showcase their achievements in implementing eLearning in courses offered by them and present their future development plan.
From the AIT institutional viewpoint Prof. Haddawy reiterated AIT's commitment to implementation of eLearning at AIT. He stated that AIT envisages eLearning to enhance classroom teaching, to provide continuity, to reduce faculty travel to outreach centers and
to reach out to other students within the region.
Dr. Venkatesh emphasized that a revenue model focusing on self-sustainability of eLearning initiatives needs to be developed at the institutional level, which can then be used by anyone within AIT as a framework.
Information regarding the Center for Distance Education, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany can be found here (http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/zef/english/). More information about the project can be found at the AIT-SOM eLearning Web site (
For further information on the project, please contact Mr. Prantik Bordoloi at
prantik@ait.ac.th or Mr. Krishna Prasad Kafley at kpkafley@ait.ac.th. They can also be reached at Ext. 5867.