Climate change adaptation proposals sought
Outline proposals are invited for climate change adaptation projects to participate in the Advancing Capacity to Support Climate Change Adaptation project.
The project seeks to bring together stakeholders and scientific communities in the developing world to enable and support effective adaptation decisions that would reduce vulnerability to climate and environmental change while also promoting sustainable development.
Jointly funded by the European Commission EuropeAid Cooperation Office and the U.K. Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, it is managed by United Nations Institute for Training & Research in partnership with the International Global Change System for Analysis, Research and Training (START) Secretariat, the Stockholm Environment Institute Oxford, the Climate System Analysis Group of the University of Cape Town, Environnement et Development du Tiers Monde, the Southeast Asia START Regional Center and the Temperate East Asia START Regional Center.
Nine pilot actions that address climate change risks and adaptation needs will be implemented under the project. The pilot actions are to be executed by partnerships of stakeholder and scientific organizations, six in Africa and three in Asia, that are selected through a competitive, merit review process.
Successful applicants will receive a grant of approximately US$70,000. The funded pilot actions also will be supported with technical advice and assistance, training, and networking to facilitate sharing of expertise, data, methods and experiences across teams. The selected pilot actions will be expected to participate in joint workshops, synthesis and other activities of the project.
Outline proposals are requested by 22 May 2006. Invited full proposals will be requested by 1 September 2006, following the initiation workshop. The full proposals will be reviewed and final award decisions made by November 2006.
The lead applicant must be employed with an institution based in a developing country of Africa or Asia; proposals must have at least two institutional partners that include one stakeholder organization and one scientific organization.
Projects selected for awards are expected to begin in January 2007 and be completed by June 2008.
For further information, go to, or contact Annie Roncerel at or Neil Leary at