Global e-learning program focuses on communications
The International Food Policy Research Institute Virtual Learning Room is launching a global e-learning program with two courses: 'How to Write a Convincing Proposal' and 'How to Communicate Scientific Research.'
The methods and materials for both courses were developed by experienced international specialists and were tested extensively in two successful pilot e-learning programs carried out in 2005.
Both courses will be online for four months in 2006.
'How to Write a Convincing Proposal' (15 April to 15 August 2006) This course is designed for professionals interested in developing their knowledge, attitudes and skills on how to access funds from diverse sources.
'How to Communicate Scientific Research' (1 October 2006 to 31 January 2007) This course is designed for professionals interested in improving their skills in scientific communication.
For further information and registration for the courses, go to