Plans for Indonesian center progress
On 17 and 18 April 2006, representatives (above) from Indonesia's Ministry of Public Works visited AIT to follow up the establishment of an AIT center in Indonesia. N
The delegation included: Dr. Sugmin Pranoto, advisor to the minister of Public Works, and Dr. Nana Rukmana, director of the Center for Professional and Technical Construction Development. Dr. Pranoto graduated from AIT in 1986 in Human Settlements and Development and is president of the Indonesia chapter of the AIT Alumni Association.
On 17 April, the delegation discussed the proposed business plan for the center with AIT President Said Irandoust; Prof. Sivanappan Kumar, dean of the School of Environment, Resources and Development; Dr. Jonathan Shaw, director of AIT Extension; Prof. Vilas Salokhe, SERD; Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, head, External Relations and Communications Office; and Mr. Kyaw Soe Hlaing, alumni relations coordinator.
During their visit, the delegation visited schools and discussed with deans and faculty for potential collaboration activities at the proposed center in Indonesia. The delegation also visited AIT Extension and discussed potential short course training for disaster management programs.
On 18 April, the proposed business plan was finalized and the draft memorandum of understanding was also discussed.
The delegation planned to visit AIT Center in Vietnam in Hanoi on 19-20 April.