Help save AIT energy

Help save AIT energy

Dr. H. L. Tien, head of Infrastructure, urges the AIT community to help save AIT energy. On the average AIT spends more than 2 million baht on electricity every month, excluding the amount consumed by the residents and concessions.

In one year, AIT pays 26 million to 28 million baht for electricity consumption alone. This is, therefore, one area where the cost can be reduced and could have a big positive impact on AIT's financial situation.

How can people help? Dr. Tien shares some facts about energy consumption and suggested small ways to achieve this goal:

Avoid energy-consuming activities during peak hours. The fixed factor per kilowatt varies according to the time of consumption. Partial peak hours are from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and the rate applied is 58.88 baht/kilowatt. Peak hours are from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and the rate used is 285.05 baht/kilowatt – almost five times of the rate of partial peak hours.

Turn off the lights and air conditioning units before leaving the office/classroom. The Infrastructure Office is preparing stickers to serve as reminders to users to turn off electricity when not in use. The schools, Extension and offices must cooperate to facilitate the posting of these stickers at the back of the doors of offices and classrooms in the near future.

Turn off all computers not being used for a long period of time. This would result in significant energy savings, and the only behavioral change would be the 50 to 70 second wait for the computer to boot-up. This time is often used up simply by removing one's coat and settling in the chair.