Call for research grants proposals

Call for research grants proposals

Prof. Sudip K. Rakshit, vice president for research, announced the calling for research grants proposals from foundations/institutions as seen below which had been forwarded to him by Ms. Mary Rosary Caspillo, his project staff at Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology field of study.

The Rockefeller Foundation
Deadline: All year round

Support work to equip local organizations to better address agriculture, food, health, arts and crafts.

Letter of enquiry needs to be sent in electronically first. Categories include learning across boundaries, investing in people and their institutions, public engagement, experimentation and research.

IDRC Evaluation Research Awards;=DO_TOPIC
Deadline: Applications must be received by January 15, 2007.

Includes Asia, Canada or citizenship of developing countries. These are International Development Research Center doctoral research awards and cover justifiable research expenses of US$20,000 a year.

International Foundation for Science/ Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Sustainable Sanitation Initiative

Call for individual and team research grant applications on sustainable sanitation and gray-water reuse in developing countries.
Deadline: 30 June 2006

Research grants are awarded a maximum of US$12,000 for a period of one to three years and can be renewed twice. Funds are for the purchase of scientific equipment, expandable supply and literature and field visits. A wide range of topics are in eco-sanitation. Grant applications can be submitted electronically.

Development Partnerships in Higher Education Programme
Deadline: 31 July 2006

The subject areas are: science and technology, research with focus on local issues, health, education, gender equity, infrastructure, water, fisheries, agriculture and information and communication technologies.

It is required that lead applicants should be from 25 focus countries in Africa and Asia. Thailand is not one of the focus areas. However, multi-disciplinary and multi-countries are encouraged. The note indicates 'bilateral focus countries' are eligible to lead. This is another case of type of research in which AIT would have to be working and even assisting focus countries submit applications. Focus countries in Asia include Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan and Vietnam.