Above from left: H.E. Dr. Hassan Khalegh, Prof. Vilas Vuwongse and Prof. Peter Haddawy
Iranians' visit may lead to collaboration
A high level delegation from the Islamic Republic of Iran visited 19 July
2006 to discuss cooperation with Tarbiyat Modarres University (TMU). TMU is a well-known State University and is responsible for training teachers to be absorbed into another universities in Iran. Thus it plays a vital role in teacher training and is interested in discussing further with Prof.
Sivanappan Kumar, dean of the School of Environment, Resources and
Development, a cooperation program focusing on student exchange, faculty
exchange, joint supervision of research projects, and post-doctoral fellows
to be sent to AIT for a semester to teach. The concept of sending TMU Ph.D.
scholars to be sent to AIT for a semester to pursue their research
activities was also discussed.
The delegation was led by H.E. Dr. Hassan Khalegh, deputy minister of
Science, Research and Technology, along with Dr. F. Daneshjoo, president, Tarbiyat Modarres University, Mr. Mohammand Barkhodari, associate professor, Iran University of Science and Technology, Mr. Amir Saeed Karami, deputy director general, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, accompanied by Mr. Davood Shamlofard, third secretary, Embassy of Iran.
The delegation met with Prof. Vilas Wuwongse, vice president for external
relations, Prof. Peter Haddawy, vice president for academic affairs, Prof.
Kumar and Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, head, External Relations and
Communications Office.
Prof. Kumar's office will directly contact TMU and jointly prepare focus
areas for possible cooperation.
Above from left: Dr. F. Daneshjoo, H.E. Dr. Hassan Khalegh and Prof. Vilas Vuwongse
Mr. Davood Shamlofard (2nd from left) and Mr. Mohammand Barkhodari (right).