A New Book on Clean Development Mechanism by AIT Professors and Researchers
Professors Ram Shrestha and S. Kumar have co-authored a book titled 'Baseline Methodologies for Clean Development Mechanism Projects' with Dr. Sudhir Sharma and Dr. Govinda Timilsina. The book was published recently by UNEP Risoe Centre on Energy, Climate Change and Sustainable Development, Denmark.
Professors Shrestha and Kumar -- both faculty members of AIT's School of Environment, Resources and Development, Energy Field of Study -- served as Principal Investigators of a regional project on 'Capacity Building for Clean Development Mechanism' (CD4CDM) while Dr. Sharma is a former Senior Research Specialist of the CD4CDM project. Dr. Timilsina is an alumnus of AIT and a Senior Research Director of the Canadian Energy Research Institute (CERI), Calgary, Canada. The electronic version of the book can be accessed at http://www.cd4cdm.org/publications.htm