Interim director appointed, office opens at AIT Center in Indonesia
As a follow up upon AIT's Memorandum of Agreement with Ministry of Public Works (MPW), Indonesia on the establishment of AIT Center in Indonesia (AIT-CI) which was signed on 27 June 2006,
Dr. Sugimin Pranoto has been appointed the interim director of the new AIT Center in Indonesia and has opened an office in Bandung, West Java. The appointment and office opening are a follow-up to the June signing of an agreement with the Ministry of Public Works that established the center.
Dr. Sugimin is a 1982 AIT alumnus of the Human Settlement Development Program and the advisor to the Indonesian minister of public works. The interim directorship is for six months, during which Dr. Sugimin has to implement the formation of AIT-CI according to the business plan.
So far, Dr. Sugimin has opened an office within the campus of the Center for Professional and Technical Construction Development, Construction and Human Resource Development Agency, Ministry of Public Works. According to the agreement, Indonesia covers the basic operating costs of the office, including the salaries for the AIT-CI administrative team.
AIT-CI will also follow up AIT's collaboration initiatives with partner institutions in Indonesia such as dual master's degree programs and unified master's program with reputable universities in Indonesia. Currently, the AIT-CI office, in coordination with the School of Engineering and Technology's Transportation Engineering field of study, has been discussing with University of Gajah Mada for the potential of a dual master's degree program.
AIT-CI office can be contacted at:
We welcome ideas on AIT-CI and please forward your comments to AIT-CI office.