Agreement set to build capacity in Nepal
On 10th October 2006, AIT signed an agreement with the National Center for Education Development (NCED), Government of Nepal. The memorandum of understanding establishes an institutional link between NCED and AIT (AIT Extension) that will support capacity building through the sharing of expertise.
Under the agreement, short- and long-term international and domestic training courses on various job competencies as well as technical assistance will be organized by the AIT Extension. Certification of the domestic courses will be co-branded by AIT. The duration of the agreement is three years, ending in September 2009 with an approximate budget of US$2.5 million. DANIDA-Nepal is the donor agency supporting the activities.
The agreement was signed by Mr. Ram S. Sinha (above right), executive director of NCED and AIT President Said Irandoust (above, second from left). Also present on the occasion were Mr. Balananda Paudel, acting secretary of Nepal's Ministry of Education and Sports and Mr. Shiba Kumar Shapkota, technical officer, NCED. Other participants from AIT included Dr. Sahdev Singh, senior program specialist, AIT Extension, Dr. Shailendra Sigdel, senior program specialist, AIT Extension, Mr. Fazle Karim, computer specialist, AIT Extension, Mr. Anil Gopal Rajbhandari, program officer, AIT Extension, Mr. Karma Rana, institute secretary and Mrs. Naina Shakya, program officer, External Relations and Communications Office.