AIT staff can now apply for houses

AIT staff can now apply for houses

The President's Advisory Committee recently resolved to allow staff to apply for houses 1-28.

If a faculty house (this refers to House # 1 - 28, noted by Dr.H. L.Tien, head of Infrastructure) becomes vacant and there is no applicant in the waiting list for that category, Campus Residential Services Unit will open the unit for allocation to interested and staff with confirmed employment with AIT of at least one year. The vacant unit should be made available for occupancy within one month from the time it was vacated.

The head of the Infrastructure Office will be responsible to determine priority of allocation of the abovementioned units. As a standard practice the head of Infrastructure will officially provide a monthly report on allocation of housing units to the Campus Planning and Environment Committee.

The above means that the AIT staff can now apply for or register their names in the waiting list for House # 1 -28, and would be allocated if a unit is vacant and no faculty applied for or in queue for that unit.