AIT to become an affiliate center of UNU
AIT plans to sign a Memorandum of Understanding to make AIT to become an affiliate center of the United Nations University (UNU). This will be an umbrella agreement between the two organizations and will foster a number of joint activities together. This will be placed in the forthcoming Board meetings of both institutions which are scheduled in the coming weeks, before it is signed.
It is initially planned that the areas of interactions will be:
- URBAN FUTURES and MEGA CITIES which will include a) Sustainable urban futures guidelines for planning future urban areas and b) Ensuring a pleasant and secure urban environment managing present day mega cities
- WATER MANAGEMENT which will include a) Managing Water in Mekong Basin and b) CoE for Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
- ONLINE EDUCTAION AND INFORMATION DISSEMINATION which will include program for developing and delivering online courses and course modules, Integrate information dissemination related to environment by leveraging each institution's strengths and network partner activities and conduct research on online participatory analysis and application training as part of capacity development
- BIODIPLOMACY which will include actions like training programmes to establish national and / or sub-regional mechanisms to deal with biosafety and the safe use of biotechnology, food and environment safety, ecosystem management for human well being, etc
On the AIT side it is proposed that Prof. Ajit Annachhatre will act as the contact person and coordinator. He will be following up on this by preparing concept papers in each of the suggested areas with colleagues working in the same.
Please contact Prof. Ajit at
if anyone would like to participate in these activities or need any clarification.