Future holiday schedule clarified

Future holiday schedule clarified

The institute recognizes and follows all official public holidays declared by the Royal Thai Government. In addition, the institute has also been observing an annual year-end break, which falls in the last week of December. However, this current practice of complete cease in operation during this period is not seen as being conducive in the effective delivery of the institute's services and in its overall operations as an academic institution.

In light of the above, a decision was made by the administration in November 2004 that the institute should not close for an extended period at any given period. There was, however, a delay in the implementation of such decision.

Therefore, effective from 2007, the annual year-end break, observed in the past years as an official institute holiday, will be discontinued and treated as a regular working period. Employees are still entitled to take leave during this period by making use of their accumulated annual leave entitlements with prior approval from their immediate supervisors. All schools, administrative offices, and units must ensure that their respective operations still continue to function albeit with a lower number of staff.

As required by the Thai law, the institute will continue to designate at least 13 official public holidays in each year which will be announced in advance to the community. In this regard, please be informed of the following Thai official public holidays for 2007, with which the institute will comply:

Monday, 1 January
New Year's Day

Saturday, 3 March
Makha Bucha Day

Monday, 5 March
* Compensatory Day for Makha Bucha Day

Friday, 6 April
Chakri Day

Friday, 13 April
Songkran Day

Saturday, 14 April
Songkran Day

Sunday, 15 April
Songkran Day

Monday, 16 April
*# Compensatory Day for Songkran Day

Tuesday, 17 April
*Compensatory Day for Songkran Day

Monday, 30 April
*Compensatory Day for Coronation Day

Tuesday, 1 May
National Labour Day

Saturday, 5 May
Coronation Day

Thursday, 31 May
Visakha Bucha Day

Sunday, 29 July
Asalaha Bucha Day

Monday, 30 July
Buddhist Lent Day

Tuesday, 31 July
*# Compensatory Day for Asalaha Bucha Day

Sunday, 12 August
H M The Queen's Birthday

Monday, 13 August
*# Compensatory Day for H M The Queen's Birthday

Tuesday, 23 October
Chulalongkorn Day

Wednesday, 5 December
H M The King's Birthday

Monday, 10 December
Constitution Day

Monday, 31December
Year End Day

*Compensatory day for 40- hour employees
#Compensatory day for 48-hour employees