Online research strategies presented

Online research strategies presented

Book Promotion & Service Co., Ltd., will provide a presentation on Research Strategies with E-Journals & Databases and Trends of E-Books on Wednesday, 25 October 2006, at Milton E. Bender Auditorium, from 9:30 to 11:45 a.m.

The presentation on Research Strategies with e-Journals & Databases will provide a logical strategy for doing research. It will also explain what advanced research entails and the many different types of resources and how and when they should be used to ensure research is complete.

The presentation on Trends of E-Books talks about the current dilemma that faced by many of the users of adapting E-books and what are the solutions you can use to solve these problems. The discussion on how E-books will be developed in the future and how it will be influential and beneficial to the users is also included. Different kinds of E-books and their applications will be shown during the presentation.

For those who are interested, please register at Circulation counter or by e-mail to