SET faculty members in top 25 articles of journals
Congratulations to Prof. Phan Minh Dung of Computer Science and Information Management, School of Engineering and Technology, whose recent paper has been ranked No. 11 in the list of the 25 most downloaded papers of the Artificial Intelligence Journal for two consecutive quarters of 2006 (Jan-Mar and Apr-June). This is the premier journal of the AI field with an impact factor: 2.638. Here is the link:;_area_id=7&journal;_id=00043702
Another congratulation goes to Dr. Kiyoshi Honda of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, whose paper has been ranked No. 1 in the list of the 25 most read papers of the Agricultural Water Management Journal for April-June quarters of 2006. Here is the link:;_area_id=1&journal;_id=03783774
According to Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, dean SET, these are major achievements for any serious researchers and also testimonies of the quality of SET's research work. Prof. Dung and Dr. Honda have set themselves role models for other faculty members to follow.