Asia-Europe Meeting calls for speakers and proposals
A conference and workshop related to the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) are looking for speakers and proposals as follows:
TBLI Asia 2007 - Brooklyn Bridge is currently accepting proposals for presenters at the 2007 Triple Bottom Line Investing (TBLI) Conference, to be held from 24 to 25 May at the Landmark Hotel in Bangkok.
TBLI is the largest annual global event on Socially Responsible Investment, with participants and speakers from six continents. If you would like to be a presenter, please send a proposal that meets the following criteria to Proposals must be received by 20 February 2007 to be considered.
Proposals should include your name and contact information, the organization and/or company that you represent, and a brief description of your planned presentation.
More information at:
Brooklyn Bridge
Gustav Mahlerplein 52-D
1082 MA Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel. 31(0)204286752/fax 31 (0)842243250/ 31(0)204286753
Skype Account: brooklynbridge
Brooklyn Bridge
Annual Asia-Europe Workshop Series 2007/2008 - The European Alliance for Asian Studies and the Asia-Europe Foundation invite proposals for workshops on themes of common interest to Asia and Europe, to take place in 2007/2008.
A three-day workshop will be held between September 2007 and September 2008 in an ASEM member country. Those countries are: Austria, Belgium, Brunei, Burma/Myanmar, Cambodia, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malaysia, Malta, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, United Kingdom and Vietnam.
Workshops are to be jointly organized by an Asian and a European institute from ASEM member countries with participants from at least eight different ASEM countries (Asia and Europe equally); male/female parity; balance between senior experts and promising junior researchers.
The workshop topic should be innovative and interdisciplinary, address shared interests between Asia and Europe, be of interregional/multilateral importance, and stimulate interregional dialogue.
Participants are to be invited primarily from academia, though contributions from politicians, journalists and representatives of industry are welcome.
Workshops initiated by young postdocs aimed at creating an academic network are favored.
Financial support of up to a maximum of 12,500 euros per workshop, is available. Proposals will be refereed by an Asia-Europe Selection Committee. Six workshops will be selected.
Deadline for submission of applications: 1 February 2007.
More information at: