EU wind energy technology project wraps up with workshop

EU wind energy technology project wraps up with workshop

After a year of successful implementation of the project 'Transfer of EU Knowledge and Technology for Development of Wind Energy Technology in Thailand,' the project team consisting of faculty from Energy Field of Study, organized the final dissemination workshop on 5 January 2007 at AIT Conference Center. The workshop was attended by 26 participants, including 17 key stakeholders mainly from the policy-making level, universities, utilities, other public and private sectors who are working in renewable in Thailand.

The objective of the yearlong project was to help Thailand develop the wind energy sector with the transfer of knowledge and technology from the European Union and to support the Thai government's move toward greater energy security, diversity and independence. The project is co-funded by the EU Thailand Economic Co-operation Small Projects Facility.

The workshops and seminars provided a way for local stakeholders to interact. Moreover, European experts invited for the weeklong training session provided in-depth information on wind energy technology and project development. The training also presented the best practices in wind energy development in the EU that can be lessons for scaling up wind power in Thailand.

The knowledge and ideas shared during the events were appreciated by the participants. All participants agreed upon the fact that for the development of wind sector, the initiation should be taken which could be in the form of setting up a Wind Association in Thailand. In this regard, AIT being the educational institution and having a good network with different sectors was suggested to take a lead role.

The project team was: Dr. Animesh Dutta, co-principal investigator; Dr. Mithulananthan Nadarajah, principal investigator; Dr. Weerakorn Ongsakul, co-principal investigator; Ms. Durga Gautam, project manager; Mr. Naresh Acharya, former project manager; Mr. Pukar Mahat, research associate; Mr. Sachit Rajbhandari, research associate.

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