Call for proposals of the France/AIT Network programme

Call for proposals of the France/AIT Network programme

AIT and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs launch the first Call for Proposals of the France/AIT Network programme.

The regional programme France/AIT - Network carries joint research projects for scientific development in the ASEAN region established by an agreement between the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). The programme aims to promote and support scientific and technological cooperation between French research institutions and universities, AIT and other research institutions and universities based in Asia, and the public, non-governmental and private sectors.

The programme targets young researchers interested in new collaborative projects on the general theme of 'science, technology and development', with a focus on the development of the ASEAN region using multidisciplinary approaches.

This call aims to identify high-quality proposals for leading-edge research projects between research teams from AIT, French and ASEAN based institutions in some of the thematic research areas identified in AIT's Strategy Development Plan.

The following themes are particularly encouraged:

  • Information and communication technology for development: telecommunications, computer science and management, remote sensing and geographic information systems, and other directly related fields.
  • Water management and technology: water engineering and management, wastewater treatment, and other directly related fields.
  • Urban and rural sustainability: reuse, recycle, reduce (3R), sustainable cities, climate change, and other directly related fields
  • Food and aquatic systems: biodiversity, agricultural systems, food security and safety, and other related fields.

The transcripts, call information and application forms are available on

The deadline for submission of proposals is 30 April 2007. Thematic research teams are encouraged to put in joint proposals.

For further information, please contact Jean-Philippe Thouard at, tel. no. +66 2 5246080