SET welcomes new visiting professors

SET welcomes new visiting professors

The School of Engineering and Technology (SET) welcomes aboard new visiting faculty: Prof. Singh, Dr. Takeuchi and Dr. Ramli

Prof. Kashi Naresh Singh joined the Industrial Systems Engineering (ISE) Field of Study, School of Engineering and Technology (SET) as Visiting Professor in January 2007 semester. Seconded by the Indian Government, Prof. Singh is also a Professor, at Operations Management Group, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, India.

Prof. Singh obtained his D.Eng. (1985) from IEM, AIT. His research interest includes Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Manufacturing Planning and Control, Materials Management, Project Management. During his stay at ISE, SET Prof. Singh will teach the course AT72.10 – Scheduling and Sequencing. He can be contacted at room 233, Chalerm Prakiat Building, tel. ext. 8346 and email:

Dr. Wataru Takeuchi (left) joined the Remote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems Field of Study and is seconded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) as a Visiting Assistance Professor starting from January 2007.

Dr. Takeuchi completed his Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Tokyo, Japan. His research interest includes Remote Sensing of Environment and Disaster, Data and Information Processing. He can be contacted at room W220, Academic Building, tel. ext. 5587, e-mail:

Dr. Mohammad Firuz Ramli (right) joined the Remote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems Field of Study as a Senior Visiting Lecturer, starting from January 2007.

Dr. Ramli completed his Doctor of Engineering in Geology and Remote Sensing from the University of Portsmouth, UK. His field of specialization includes Geology, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information System. He can be contacted at room W223, Academic Building, tel. ext. 5573, e-mail: