Dr. Ratna Sharma, an AIT alumnus who graduated from Agricultural and Food Engineering Division in 1999, last week had an amazing opportunity of meeting with U.S. President George Bush to discuss alternative fuels. She was one of the 6 panel members invited from all over the country (only women). They spent more than an hour discussing alternative resources from agriculture that could be used to produce ethanol.
Dr. Sharma has been working as an Assistant Professor of Bioprocess Engineering at North Carolina State University since 2003. She is married to Dr. Raghunath Shivappa, an AIT alumnus who graduated from Aquaculture Division in 1997. After graduating from AIT, they got married and completed their PhDs.
According to Dr. Raghu Shivappa, who emailed this news, the couple would like to share this news with AIT since they are both very proud and happy to be graduates of AIT.