AIT Environment Professor warns growing waste in Asia

AIT environmental professor, Chettiyappan Visvanathan of the Environmental Engineering
and Management Field of Study, School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD),
warned growing waste in Asia during a recent ADB meeting held in Manila. He was cited in
a news reported by Voice of America’s Asia News Center in Hong Kong on 10 March 2007.

In the news, Prof. Visvanathan noted, “If you look at almost all the urban centers in
Asia, the per capita waste generation is increased. If you take an example, in the case
of Hong Kong, it is almost between four and five kilos per person per day, which is much
more than the New York volume, but if you look at countries like India maybe the urban
per capita consumption is one kilogram per person per day, whereas in rural areas it is
around .4 or .5 kilograms per person per day.

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