AIT's Habitech Center assists in Post-Tsunami reconstruction work
The Habitech Center of the School of Engineering and Technology (SET), AIT,
is carrying out the construction of 56 houses in the Baan Nam Khem Village
of the Phangna Province. Habitech Center is responsible for the design,
training, construction, and supervision of the housing implementation for
the EU-ASIA PRO ECO II B Post-Tsunami Project.
The project, aiming to contribute to the sustainable rehabilitation and
development after the Tsunami destructions in Thailand, consists of
designing, applying, evaluating and disseminating appropriate innovative
technologies for energy-efficient housing and water management.
Funded by the EU Commission, the project is helping reconstruct the Baan Nam
Khem Village 2 housing and infrastructure for 56 families who were victims
of the tsunami disaster in Phangna Province. Among 56 houses being
constructed, EU Asia Pro Eco II B Post-Tsunami Project provides the grant
for 32 houses and The Rotary International funds 24 houses.
The foundation of the first house started on 11 Nov. 2006 and all the
56 houses completed its ground floor on first week of March 2007. The
Habitech Center expects to complete the construction of all houses by the
end of June 2007.
Partnering in the grant implementation of this project are the Foundation
for Economic Development and Vocational Training (SEQUA) Bonn Germany; the
Chamber of Crafts Gdansk (CCG) Poland; and the Energy Efficiency Institute
(Foundation) Thailand (EEIT). The Community Organization Development
Institute (CODI) is also involved as the local partner for the
implementation of this project.
For more information please contact: Mr. Gyanendra R. Sthapit Manager/Act. Director Habitech Center, SET. Email: