Very concrete activities and various types of planned initiatives are on the way at the
AIT Center in Indonesia (AIT-CI), Prof. Said Irandoust, AIT President, disclosed to the
AIT community recently after attending the Steering Committee meeting of AIT Center in
Indonesia (AIT-CI) on 23 February 2007.
AIT in collaboration with the University of Gaja Madah and AIT-CI will launch an 18-month
joint dual-degree masters program in transportation systems & engineering, to be
implemented by the AIT-CI and will start on August 2007. The World Bank will provide full
funding for 20 students to join the dual-degree program. The students would spend 9
months at the University of Gaja Madah and the remaining 9 months partly between AIT and
The National Planning Board of Indonesia is currently finalizing discussions with the
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs in setting up of a 13-month professional masters
program in integrated water resources management which would be implemented by AIT-CI.
The Indonesian Government invited AIT to submit proposals through the AIT-CI for the
5-year ADB project, amounting to US$33 million. The project aims at strengthening the
fisheries sector under the overarching goal of poverty reduction.
The Government of Indonesia also invited AIT to submit a proposal outlining ways for the
contribution of the US$750,000 feasibility study on water reservoir (underground) systems
in Jakarta towards countering the flood related problems.
AIT-CI plans to participate in an exhibition of private universities to be held in Bandung in May 2007.
AIT-CI requested AIT to develop concrete proposals for the conduct of professional short
course programs in the following areas which are in demand and which they could help
market: disaster management; integrated water resources; deep tunneling (both for traffic
and as water reservoirs); rural road development and maintenance management; and
environmental management
According to AIT President Irandoust, he will contact the concerned Schools and AIT
Extension, providing further details on the above so that the institute can respond at
the earliest. He also conveyed his thanks to the Minister of Public Works and Dr. Sugimin
Pranoto, Interim Director of AIT-CI and members of the AIT-CI Steering Committee for
their support in all of the above initiatives. “The partnerships which we are now
discussing highlights the importance and trust placed in our Center in Indonesia by the
Government for which we are most grateful and appreciative”, said AIT President.
During his trip to Indonesia, AIT President also met with Mr. Nico Barito, Senior Fellow,
United Nations Institute for Training and Research, who is a member of the AIT-CI
Steering Committee as well as the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Indonesia.